If you don't use the "Shuffle", "Repeat" or "Add to Playlist" features
the corresponding buttons in the iOS und Android apps can be a bit
annoying (e. g. if other members of the household hit them
Personally i never use these modes, so i wrote a small plugin to get rid
of them. I post this here for the case that somebody else might like to
use it. 


- Unzip the attached file in your "Plugins" folder
- Activate the plugin in Settings -> Plugins
- Check the plugin configuration: You can enable/disable the
  "Shuffle","Repeat" and "Add to Playlist" modes separately

Please note that this is a "quick and dirty" thing i wrote for myself
during the christmas holidays. But it should work on any system:

It simply subscribes to the shuffle and repeat events of the playlist 
and resets the corresponding mode if the user has activated it.
For the addtracks and inserttracks events it sets the track to the first
track the user had inserted/added.

Shouldn't cause any trouble. But anyway: Use at your own risk.

|Filename: DisableShuffle.zip                                       |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17108|

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102851

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