W92Neriah wrote: 
> I have Logitech Squeezebox 'Duet' & 'Radio' players connecting to
> Squeezebox Server v7.5.5 on Windows (yes that is an old version, but if
> it aint broke...): If we are lucky enough for Triode & the BBC etc. to
> sort out the iPlayer plug-in to give us back the AAC streams will I be
> able to update my iPlayer plugin on v7.5.5, or will I need to 'upgrade'
> to Logitech Media Server :confused: (which I get the impression might be
> a 'downgrade' in some ways)?
> Thanks in advance :)

How can you say "If it aint broke..." about 7.5.5? I started with 7.5.4
and went through all the 7.5 series on my Duet. The 7.5 series was very
flaky and buggy, always falling over, Reciever rebooting, server doing
stupid things etc. It was agony, I nearly gave up on SqueezeBoxes. 7.6.0
was differently flaky, and then came the sheer bliss of 7.6.1. Every LMS
release from 7.6.1 onwards has been fine, individual bugs yes bit not
the mass instability of 7.5.x or 7.6.0.

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