Thanks to bonze for providing an updated menu.opml containing the new
streams for the BBCiPlayer plug-in! Hoping that Triode can integrate (or
depend on - is that possible with LMS plug-ins?) PlayHLS and a new
menu.opml soon.

I noticed in bonze's menu.opml, though, that the World Service stream is
still the old one.

Here's a version of the inside-UK menu.opml, with the new HLS AAC World
Service stream (64kb/s, HE-AAC, HLS) replacing the old one. No other
change from bonze's version.


I wonder: is anybody working on extracting both “programme name” and
“now playing” information from the JSON feeds to be displayed by the
BBCiPlayer plug-in? That would be nice to have.

I also separately wonder: do we expect a similar cataclysm to that
recently experienced with the live streams to be inflicted on the
listen-again sources in due course? It's clear from some cursory network
monitoring that the listen-again targets are also already available as
HLS AAC feeds, and that this is what certain official BBC applications
are already using to play them, and so it should be possible to switch
the BBCiPlayer listen again system across to use those now too … it
would be nice to be one step ahead of the switch-off for these rather
than one step behind!

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