
I think I managed to solve my remaining problem with SmartMix wandering
off into different genres when used with Qobuz.

I modified the SmartMix.pm line

next if $track->{released_at} > time || (!$track->{streamable} &&

slightly and changed it to:

next if $track->{released_at} > time && $track->{genre}->{Classical} ||
(!$track->{streamable} && !$prefs->get('playSamples'));

and now it seems to be mixing fine without wandering off into  uncharted
Of course this is not for general consumption, just for my personal use,
but I'm curious: Did my little addition actually do that, or is this
just some kind of weird coincidence/placebo?

Oh, and another modification I added to the SmartMix which helped with
Qobuz issues was to instruct it to add 5 tracks to the Playlist in one
go, insted of three. No idea why that is, but I have never had a stalled
or stopped mix since I did that.

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