philippe_44 wrote: 
> If the stream_length of -1 works, you should keep it like that (-3 being
> the most recommended value). This parameter is not really connected to
> the buffer limit, this is more about the streaming protocol option to
> the player and to indicate the size of the file being sent, hence
> negative value that tells 'no size, wait till connection closes' is the
> best option. The buffer_limit is about the local cache that sq2u does
> while sending data to the player, that cache cannot grow above a certain
> value, after that value it is shrunk to half, with consequence of
> 'forgetting the early part of cached data, preventing move back to this
> part', but it does not impact the whole size. Now what can happen is
> that you are running out of space and/or your system blocks a file that
> grows above a certain size. In such case, the cache fails and then the
> playback stops, at the initiative of sq2u.
> To me, this sounds more like the problem you're facing. You can also
> post a log and I'll see what it says. Of course, as PasTim mentionned,
> setting a small value for buffer_limit will prevent this file expansion,
> but this shrinking mechanism I implemented is a bit goofy (the way I did
> it), so if you can avoid using it, it is better
> [edit]: for completion, the stream_length plays a small role in a sense
> that if it is set to a real number, the player will take the initiative
> of closing the connection once it has received that (expected) amount of
> bytes.

That seems to be the problem, the buffer file was now at 980MB when the
playback stopped. So this buffer is keeps growing despite the length of
the stream to enable seeking.

So, in theory, if I set the buffer limit to say, 500MB, I should be able
to playback my radios (since the buffer is shrinked at the playback is
not interrupted by some operating system error).
What happens is that the buffer file stops at the 488MB an doesn't
reduce the buffer length.

My configuration:

<stream_length>-1 </stream_length>

I'll reproduce it again and post the logs.

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