Noticed disaster123 had taken up the reigns for the development of
shairtunes and hoped perhaps it would work on my setup now, but no go

The i386 helper thats bundled with the plugin doesnt work for me:

-[root@sbs helperBinaries]# ./shairport_helper-i386-linux.bak
FATAL: kernel too old
Segmentation fault-

So I copied over and renamed the one I compiled when trying stuarts
original plugin:

-[root@sbs helperBinaries]# ./shairport_helper-i386-linux
FATAL: Must supply AES key and IV!-

The SBS log file "/var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log " appears to show
the plugin is working:

-[15-05-30 18:43:23.3150] main::init (368) Starting Logitech
Media Server (v7.8.0, 1395409907, Thu Mar 27 13:17:00 PDT 2014) perl
[15-05-30 18:43:27.3461] Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::initPlugin (93)
Initialising 0.14 on i386-linux-thread-multi
[15-05-30 18:43:27.3671] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Settings::new (209)
Server Power Control, version 20120427.163654, is running on sbs version
7.8.0 on unix:RedHat, mac  
[15-05-30 18:43:29.5624] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) request
not dispatchable!
[15-05-30 18:43:29.8450]
Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::playerSubscriptionChange (145)
request=client new client=Bedroom 2
[15-05-30 18:43:29.8492] Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::publishPlayer
(217) start avahi-publish-service "Bedroom 2"
[15-05-30 18:43:37.3204]
Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::playerSubscriptionChange (145)
request=client new client=Bedroom 1
[15-05-30 18:43:37.3248] Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::publishPlayer
(217) start avahi-publish-service "Bedroom 1"
[15-05-30 18:43:47.0290]
Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::playerSubscriptionChange (145)
request=client new client=Main Bathroom
[15-05-30 18:43:47.0333] Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::publishPlayer
(217) start avahi-publish-service "Main Bathroom"
[15-05-30 18:43:58.3415]
Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::playerSubscriptionChange (145)
request=client new client=Living Room
[15-05-30 18:43:58.3461] Plugins::ShairTunes2::Plugin::publishPlayer
(217) start avahi-publish-service "Living Room"-

But the Airplay symbol doesn't pop up on my iDevices. So doesnt look
like its working :/

Any hints/pointers on what to try next?

Some more info that may be helpful:

-[root@sbs helperBinaries]# uname -a
Linux sbs.home 2.6.18-371.11.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jul 23 15:14:26 EDT 2014
i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

-[root@sbs helperBinaries]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.10 (Final)-

-[root@sbs helperBinaries]# ps aux|egrep "avahi|mdns"
avahi     3614  0.0  0.0   2716  1304 ?        Ss   18:43   0:00
avahi-daemon: running [sbs.local]
avahi     3615  0.0  0.0   2716   440 ?        Ss   18:43   0:00
avahi-daemon: chroot helper
root      3687  0.0  0.0   4036   696 pts/0    R+   18:51   0:00 egrep

-[root@sbs helperBinaries]# vi /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf
use-ipv6=yes  #if you have ios7 devices change to yes




~                        -

Any help greatly appreciated :)

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