disaster123 wrote: 
> Hi,
> this is a further development of the ShairTunes Plugin
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?100379-Announce-ShairTunes-Plugin).
> Installation instructions:
> https://github.com/disaster123/shairport2_plugin/blob/master/README.md
> Repo URL:
> http://raw.github.com/disaster123/shairport2_plugin/master/public.xml
> Github: https://github.com/disaster123/shairport2_plugin

Hi - Just a quick question: if I understand right, your plugin is to
make LMS players controllable from AirPlay controller. I wrote a plugin
that transforms UPnP devices into LMS "native" devices (squeezelite
inspired). I've been asked if I could do the same, but for AirPlay
devices. I've read a bit about Airplay, but I don't know much about.
With your experience of shairtunes, do you think this could be feasible
? What I do know very well now is SlimProto and I'm heavily modified
squeezelite, so I know it very well as well. Basically, I have
everything in that "virtual  squeezlite" to receive LMS audio data and
buffer it if needed, receive and respond to LMS commands (start, stop,
pause, volume ...), retreive metadata ... Then all these commands are
forwarded to the UPnP player (acting as a bridge). From the UPnP player,
I extract timing information, detect track change and report all that to
LMS. Could I use shairtune to "replace" the UPnP side of the bridge and
do the stitching. What's your opinion ?

LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
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