jepege wrote: 
> I have this plugin for a long time and today I wanted to test the new
> version of Vortexbox 2.4 BETA. It is based on fedora 23 with perl 5.22.
> I noticed that this plugin (v20120427.163654) cannot be loaded and gives
> an error on line 69. 
> After replacing
> IF (!DEFINED( @_) || ! @_ ) {[/B] 
> BY
> [B]IF (!@_) {
> the plugin loads and seems to work again.
> Will test some more.

That worked, thank you jepege. Vortexbox 2.4 works for me now.

Gordon, how are the reno's going ? I hear it snowed in Santa Fe a week
or so ago.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.
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