It's in the box.

With all scan.* debug options enabled... If you scroll past 7-8 million lines of irrelevant log statements, you'll find this:

[16-01-04 13:18:10.5573] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_getResponseBody (394) Warning: {
  response => {
        status => { code => 0, message => "Success", version => "4.2" },
        ticket => "CARPHFY151FEABA0028C0CBCD48FF049",
} at C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SmartMix/ line 394. [16-01-04 13:18:10.5589] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439) Notify to server: [

[16-01-04 13:18:10.5669] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463) Notify to server OK [16-01-04 13:18:10.5680] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::doneScanning (279) Finished exporting to Taste Profile [16-01-04 13:18:10.5686] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (643) Completed Plugins::SmartMix::Importer Scan in 348 seconds.

The plugin did export all your 82k tracks. They would not immediately show up in your profile, as the processing on the TEN side can take a while. How did you get the idea of only 20k tracks being used?


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