Hi everyone,
Just purchased a PS Audio Directstream DAC last week, connected it to my
Vortexbox appliance running Logitech Media Server via USB, and
absolutely loved it!  Big improvement over my two other DACs.  After
reading reviews, I then purchased a PS Audio Bridge II that arrived
today, and so far I’m underwhelmed with the results when playing music
over my home network via UPnP.  Here’s a brief summary:

- Sound quality via the Bridge II sounds thin compared to USB. 
  Musicality seems to be lost.
- 192/24 recordings don't play correctly (really not at all).  An
  audible noise comes out, but it’s as if the song is being played at a
  fraction of its normal speed.  It’s unrecognizable.
- Although the sample rate and bit rate display correctly, the
  metadata is always stuck on the first song, and album artwork does not
  display at all.

To get LMS to work with Bridge II, I installed Philippe's squeeze2upnp
plug-in (thank you so much!).  I’m hoping there’s a setting that I’ve
missed, or I’ll need to return the Bridge II and revert back to USB.  Is
there a log that I can post to see if I inadvertently screwed up a
setting or am doing something else wrong?  Any help would be greatly

Thank you,

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