Wow, some interesting test results this morning:

After few days of working nicely, this morning I noticed that nothing
was playing. My automation system, usually automatically turns on the
radio each morning by issuing an URL to LMS server that tells my
'HomeGroup'  virtual Chromecast to play a specific radio station. Such a
command includes the IP of LMS server, which favorite to play and the
physical MAC address of whichever squeezebox or CCA device you want to
play it on.

So I decided to do a little test by manually issueing the URL commands
from Firefox  address bar and looking on Ipeng on my Iphone at the same
time to see what happens to which players.
Before describing what I saw, a short recap of my situation:
1 HomeGroup virtual ChromeCast (I will further refer to this as HG),
made up of the following two physical ChromeCasts:
2 Living Room (Woon Kamer in Dutch) physical chromecast (I will further
refer to this as WR)
3 Kitchen Room physical chromecast (I will further refer to this as KR)
4 Perry's Room physical Squeezebox Classic (I will refer to as PR)
5 Corry's Room physical Squeezebox Classic (I will refer to this further
as CR)

To start off and without having issued any command, I noticed in Ipeng
that my KR had disappeared from listing, WR was shown, but not active,
PR was activated and playing what normally should have been played by
the HG, CR was listed not active (as expected).

I then issued a command to HG to play another favorite number and I
noticed that the PR switched station. So, although I used the MAC
address in the URL of the HG, the PR squeezebox responded, even though
this has a different MAC address!

I next disconnected the PR squeezebox from power and issued an URL to HG
again. Now I saw in Ipeng that the CR squeezebox responded instead!
Still the WR did nothing all this time.

I then issued an URL to address the WR directly; nothing happened. I
looked up the MAC address of WR  inside the LMS server to double check
my archived information and, sure enough, it was different from what it
used to be!! 

So it appears the MAC address of this CCA has changed over time (in
fact, in my archive it looks like there might have been two different
MAC addresses for this same CCA before).
This still does not explain why, if the MAC address in the URL is not
available, a different physical Squeezebox Classic is chosen to play the
requested music.

Anyway, hope this helps towards solving the puzzle.

Ps, Philippe, did you receive my emailed log files?


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