Hi erland (and everybody)
i have some problems with custom browse (it's a while i was not using
it, so don't know if it's a new issue).

let's say that i look (in CB) for artists, i get a list. then if i
choose one artist, i get this

Mixes:Browse by selected  Random  TrackStat 
Name:Aaron Parks
Album:Arborescence , Invisible cinema
Genre:Jazz , Piano
Rating:            (60/100) 
Year:2013 , 2008

No matching songs, albums or artists were found

Refresh(Custom Browse 2.14.3936)

Running: select albums.id,if(albums.year=0,'
',concat('(',albums.year,')')),substr(albums.titlesort,1,1) from
contributor_album,albums where albums.id=contributor_album.album and
contributor_album.contributor=35136 and contributor_album.role in (1,5)
group by albums.id order by albums.year desc,albums.titlesort
asc,albums.disc asc got error: 
no such function: ifRunning: select
',customscan_contributor_attributes.value) from
customscan_contributor_attributes where
customscan_contributor_attributes.contributor=35136 and
customscan_contributor_attributes.module='cslastfm' and
customscan_contributor_attributes.attr='picture' got error: 
no such function: concatRunning: select 2,concat('Duration:
',sec_to_time(sum(artisttracks.secs))) from (select
tracks.id,tracks.secs from tracks,contributor_track where tracks.secs is
not null and tracks.id=contributor_track.track and
contributor_track.contributor=35136 group by tracks.id ) as artisttracks
union select 3,concat('File Size:
',round(sum(artisttracks.filesize)/1024/1024,1),' MB') from (select
tracks.id,tracks.filesize from tracks,contributor_track where
tracks.filesize is not null and tracks.id=contributor_track.track and
contributor_track.contributor=35136 group by tracks.id ) as artisttracks
got error: 
no such function: concatRunning: select contributors.id,concat('Amazon:
from contributors where contributors.name is not null and
contributors.id=35136 group by contributors.id got error: 
no such function: concatRunning: select contributors.id,concat('Google:
http://www.google.com/search?q=',contributors.name) from contributors
where contributors.name is not null and contributors.id=35136 group by
contributors.id got error: 
no such function: concatRunning: select
http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/',contributors.name) from contributors
where contributors.name is not null and contributors.id=35136 group by
contributors.id got error: 
no such function: concatRunning: select
from contributors where contributors.name is not null and
contributors.id=35136 group by contributors.id got error: 
no such function: concatRunning: select contributors.id,concat('LastFM:
from contributors where contributors.name is not null and
contributors.id=35136 group by contributors.id got error: 
no such function: concat

i have tried to uninstall the plugin CB (removing also the config
files), and then install again. but apparently it does not work.

Pinkdot LMS 7.9.0 repack on Nas Synology DS-213
Queezebox Duet
Squeezebox Boom
Squeezebox Touch
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