Hi Ahmed,

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008, Ahmed Kamal wrote:

> I have setup pmacct with your help, and it's been running like a champ. I
> have also installed darkstat for comparison. I am seeing a big error (around
> 30%) between the 2 tools!
> Here's what I am seeing:
> IP                 START        END                DELTA
> DARKSTAT(bytes)
> 7607.7053 9477.4200         1869.7147 1,397,584,555
> 3603.2834 4716.6248         1113.3414 810,169,491
> 3540.3343 5698.6758         2158.3415 1,573,900,631
> 3444.3568 4358.3895        914.0327 575,124,842
> 2951.8349 3697.5900         745.7551 556,560,149
> 2770.9552 3807.6038         1036.6486 715,830,077
> 2698.5764 3987.1379         1288.5615 856,582,079
> 1982.1858 2381.7297         399.5439 296,992,631
> 1880.2033 2522.7183         642.5150 548,180,038
> 1300.2739 2040.0713        739.7974 411,031,858
> Those are the top 10 BW users. All measurements are in MB (from SQL query),
> darkstat data is in bytes. As you can see, the first line it's 1.9GB vs
> 1.4GB and so on ...
> Any ideas how to track such errors ?

My first suspicion would be that Darkstat is reporting bytes transferred
(TCP data) rather than total size of packets. You can confirm this with
some simple tests. E.g. create a file of exactly 1MB on a remote web
server and download it through your pmacct/darkstat box. If darkstat
reports that the amount downloaded is just over 1MB (e.g. 1.001 MB) then
it's reporting TCP data.

pmacct will always report packet sizes (IP data) and therefore is likely
to report more bytes downloaded. Given that the TCP overhead is about 40
bytes per 1500 byte packet, i.e. about 2.6%, I'd expect it to report about
1.027 MB in this case.

The overhead will be much higher for smaller packets which may explain
your observed 30% discrepancy. If so, this is arguably a bug (or
limitation) of darkstat rather than pmacct.

Please let us know what you discover.

Cheers, Chris.
Aptivate | http://www.aptivate.org | Phone: +44 1223 760887
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