
I'm testing pmacct on my network, and pmacct runs on a box inbetween my LAN
switch and My ADSL router, and want to filter out my incoming and outgoing
traffic using ADSL router's MAC address. I Just want to know is whether i
can use the aggregate_filter to filter traffic using MAC address.

I've searched on google but didn't find any examples with mac adresses but
with src/dst networks. But i didn't seen any records saying that
aggrigate_filter can't be used with src mac and dst mac option. anyway I
tested it with the following config file but it didn't worked.

debug: false
daemonize: true
interface: eth0
snaplen: 700
classifier_tentatives: 7
plugin_buffer_size: 10240
plugin_pipe_size: 10240000
plugins: memory[outb], memory[inb]
aggregate[outb]: src_mac, dst_mac, src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port
aggregate_filter[outb]:dst mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
imt_path[outb]: /tmp/outb.pipe
aggregate[inb]: src_mac, dst_mac, src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port
aggregate_filter[inb]: src mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
imt_path[inb]: /tmp/inb.pipe

where xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx= ADSL gateway's MAC address.

Im using pmacct 0.11.4 with libpcap 0.9.4 on linux kernel.

Any help will be highly appriciated.


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