30.11.2009 23:19, Paolo Lucente пишет:
> Hi Slava,
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 03:03:41PM +0200, Slava Dubrovskiy wrote:
>> I see such errors:
>> [ ... ]
>> DEBUG ( t2/mysql ): 3 VALUES statements sent to the MySQL server.
>> ERROR ( t2/mysql ): Duplicate entry '0-5-2009-11-28 02:00:00' for key 1
>> [ ... ]
>> DEBUG ( t1/mysql ): 400 VALUES statements sent to the MySQL server.
>> ERROR ( t1/mysql ): Duplicate entry
>> '0- 02:00:00' for key 1
> Thanks for the extensive logging. You should be referring to the
> two errors above, right? To better pin-point where the issue is,
> it's good rule to remove the sql_multi_values: this allows to see
> precisely which SQL statement is causing the issue. From there you
> can check whether effectively this is something already in the
> database and why.
> The fact that you don't see anything written into the database 
> when such errors pop up is normal due to the combination of the
> sql_multi_values and sql_dont_try_update directives. A multi-value
> query is effectively a single statement; so if one component fails
> it negatively affects all the others. 
> If this doesn't help; feel free to send me further SQL output,
> commenting out the sql_multi_values. Perhaps this will get too
> extensive; in such a case, send it privately and then we can
> summarize over here.
Yes, I remove sql_multi_values and it working. But as I understand this
this give more performance.

Is it possible use it? And it working good. Problem only when I stop it.

  DESC:           enables the use of multi-values INSERT statements. The
value of the directive is intended
                        to be the size (in bytes) of the multi-values
buffer. The directive applies only to MySQL
                        and SQLite 3.x plugins. Inserting many rows at
the same time is much faster (many times
                        faster in some cases) than using separate
single-row INSERT statements. It's adviceable
                        to check the size of this pmacct buffer against
the size of the corresponding MySQL buffer
                        (max_allowed_packet). (default: none)

Dubrovskiy Vyacheslav

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