We're running five gateways with pmacct 11.5 installed. One seems to be prone 
data errors, eg. at the end of the month the totals seem dramaticly inflated. 
This is not happening every month but about 40% of the time. Many times the 
rate as monitored by our back-haul provider. The other sites fall much more in 
line with these separately compiled figures.

The configuration file is very basic:

interface: eth1
daemonize: false
aggregate: src_mac,dst_mac
plugins: mysql
sql_db: pmacct
sql_table: acct
sql_table_version: 1
sql_passwd: M00Bl8t
sql_user: pmacct
sql_refresh_time: 90
sql_history: 10m
sql_history_roundoff: mh

Does this problem sound familiar

Kevin R. Battersby

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