Just sent you a private mail with the config and the dump. Hopefully you can
see the problem. I can't anymore :)

regards, Igor

2009/12/21 Paolo Lucente <pa...@pmacct.net>

> Hi Igor,
> I'm not aware of any issues with the 'sfacctd_renormalize' feature;
> perfect you already did some debug with sflowtool - that would have
> been my first suggestion.
> I would ask you, if possible, to send me privately a brief capture
> of some sFlow datagrams (pcap format, full packets) so that i can
> have a look myself and replay them in a lab environment.
> This would also help understanding very quickly if the load of the
> system can be a viable explanation or not.
> Cheers,
> Paolo
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 09:19:34PM +0100, Igor Ybema wrote:
> > Hi,
> > We are using pmacct (sfacctd) for 2 years now.
> > We are using sflow agent on HP procurve 3500 switches with sampling rate
> of
> > 1024.
> >
> > Before we didn't use the renormalize function and no preprocessing. We
> just
> > used kbytes in stead of bytes in our applications which worked fine.
> > Since a month we started to use the sflow_renormalize function but since
> > then we see the bytes counted for our 'incoming' table multiplied by a
> > factor of 1.5 to 2 (not accurate).
> > The 'outgoing' table does not show this behaviour.
> >
> > To figure out where the problem is, I tried a couple of things:
> > - using sflowtool to debug the packets -> meanSkip = 1024 and counting
> MB's
> > myself (with a little help of bash) gives me the total bytes I have send
> to
> > the test host
> > - using another sflow agent (foundry XMR router) on other sflow server
> with
> > renormalize on also gives me the correct values
> > - turning of renormalize and using "sql_preprocess: usrf=1024" also gives
> me
> > the correct values
> > - using the newest 0.12.0rc4 does not help
> >
> > So,.. using same sflow server and agents, same data etc... only switching
> > from renormalize to preprocess works for me right now. What could be the
> > problem?
> > The sflow server (combined mysql server) is a busy server hitting high
> cpu
> > and io waits. Could this cause issue's?
> >
> >
> > regars, Igor Ybema
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