Hello all,

I love pmacct, been using it for a couple months now.  Aside from a
couple bumps in the road, all except for a couple of which have been
worked out, its been pretty easy to get working.
Ive got pnrg creating graphs of my bandwidth usage, and Im working on a
specialized daemon to monitor my bandwidth usage based on my billing
cycle with my ISP.
I'm here because Im looking for any advice in improving my config, and
with some problems Ive been having.

First off, I was wondering if anyone has seen anything similar to the
first bit of trouble I'm having.  When I torrent, if I continue for
prolonged periods of time (a day or more), my sql server starts to get
bogged down with updates from pmacct.  Looking in MySQL Admin, I can see
a bunch of lines that look like

ID, User, Host, DB, Command, Time, State, Info
x  pmacct  x    pmacct   Query   0  Updating UPDATE
pmacct_v7_outgoing_201002 SET packets...
x  pmacct  x    pmacct   Query   3698 Locked LOCK TABLES ... WRITE
x  pmacct  x    pmacct   Query   0  Updating UPDATE
pmacct_v7_incoming_201002 SET packets...
x  pmacct  x    pmacct   Query   2198 Locked LOCK TABLES ... WRITE

The longer I leave my torrents going, the more of those queue up.  I've
tried increasing the sql_history directive to 5m, and it mitigates it
somewhat, but only mildly.
Does anyone know how I can keep those from queuing up like that?
My sql server is currently on my most powerful machine.

Secondly, I was hoping someone could advise on an optimal config for
what I'm trying to do.  In my config, the memory[in] and memory[out]
plugins are for pnrg, and memory[tcd_in] and memory[tcd_out] plugins are
for my script to be able to check the bandwidth usage.  The script is
pretty rudimentary, every 60 seconds or so it calls pmacct on the pipe
to get the number of bytes since the last call and to reset the
counters. The mysql[incoming] and mysql[outgoing] plugins are to just
store as much fine-grained info as possible in sql to be able to play
with later.
Should I be running separate daemons for each plugin?
Am I trying to have my cake and eat it to in the way that I'm trying to
store as much info in sql and not have sql choke?
I had to really crank the plugin_pipe_size waaay up there in order to
avoid getting messages in my logs about some of the info getting lost or
something.  _That_ high though? Am I doing something wrong there?

Any help, comments, witty responses, or napkins with pretty drawings on
them will be appreciated :)

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