thanks for the reply ^^
i'm using latest version

here's the build script:
./configure --enable-64bit --enable-threads --enable-pgsql
sudo make install

and here's the build output (many warnings):

and the result seems ok ^^ it's working fine ^^ thank you Mr Paolo..

DEBUG ( default/pgsql ): UPDATE acct SET packets=packets+1,
bytes=bytes+52, stamp_updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0) WHERE
ABSTIME(1275763200)::Timestamp::Timestamp without time zone =
stamp_inserted AND ip_src='' AND ip_dst=''

DEBUG ( default/pgsql ): INSERT INTO acct (stamp_updated,
stamp_inserted, ip_src, ip_dst, packets, bytes) VALUES
(ABSTIME(1275763261)::Timestamp, ABSTIME(1275763200)::Timestamp,
'', '', 2, 205)

DEBUG ( default/pgsql ): INSERT INTO acct (stamp_updated,
stamp_inserted, ip_src, ip_dst, packets, bytes) VALUES
(ABSTIME(1275763261)::Timestamp, ABSTIME(1275763200)::Timestamp,
'', '', 25, 3305)

DEBUG ( default/pgsql ): INSERT INTO acct (stamp_updated,
stamp_inserted, ip_src, ip_dst, packets, bytes) VALUES
(ABSTIME(1275763261)::Timestamp, ABSTIME(1275763200)::Timestamp,
'', '', 1, 153)

DEBUG ( default/pgsql ): UPDATE acct SET packets=packets+25,
bytes=bytes+18431, stamp_updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0) WHERE
ABSTIME(1275763200)::Timestamp::Timestamp without time zone =
stamp_inserted AND ip_src='' AND ip_dst=''

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Paolo Lucente <> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is clearly something wrong with that; configuration
> looks OK. But 0.11.6 is a bit old release and it's tricky
> for me to make a guess on a pre-compiled package.
> Can you please download latest available release from the
> pmacct website, compile it yourself according to your needs
> and verify whether it still shows the behaviour?
> Cheers,
> Paolo
> On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 08:37:15PM +0700, Kiswono Prayogo wrote:
>> Hi, i'm using pmacctd 0.11.6-2build1 on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux 10.04 with
>> database postgresql 9.0b1..
>> i feel that something wrong with the pmacct INSERT query, i found that
>> it insert the value too large such as:
>> 140733193388172 bytes for 5 packets (ping). would anyone kind enough
>> to help me find what's wrong with my configuration? computer? or the
>> pmacctd?
>> [ ... ]
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