Hi Wai,

It's certainly possible.

Without sending you the entire collecter config that I'm using, here's a few 
pertinent config entries:

sfacctd_as_new: false
sfacctd_net: sflow

sql_table_type: bgp
sql_table_version: 1
sql_optimize_clauses: true

>From here all you'll need to do is configure the aggregate statement to 
>include as_path and any other primitives you need along with an associated 
>sql_table_schema statement pointing to a custom defined DB table structure to 

Happy Sampling!

On Nov 9, 2011, at 9:53 PM, Wai Phang wrote:

> Hi there,
> My device actually supports extended gateway data from sFlow v5 and
> as_path is retrievable from the sample. However, it seems like I would
> need to configure pmacct as BGP in order to capture that into MySQL.
> It keeps complaining that the sql type required is BGP and the schema
> is wrong.
> Is there a way to capture as_path without having to run pmacct as a BGP peer?
> T.I.A!
> Wai Phang
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