
On occasion there is a problem with the byte counters for the
"link1_in_asn" aggregate defined below.  The byte counters for multiple
SRC_ASN to DST_ASN will show a value 18 times greater than the actual
value.  This aggregate is tracking the SRC and DST ASNs every 5 minutes.
 There are additional aggregates defined which track more specific data
with an increased time window of 15 minutes, e.g. "link1_in".

What's interesting is the "link1_in" aggregate does not capture the same
spurious byte count when it occurs for the "link1_in_asn" table.  This
phenomenon was also confirmed to be unique to the "link1_in_asn" table by
verifying the byte count with another netflow analysis platform.
 Additionally, it seems the problem regularly involves a specific regional
ID defined in the pre-tagging map file.  That file was double checked and
no errors were found.

Thanks for the software and assistance.


Config values:

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/etc --enable-threads --enable-64bit
--enable-pgsql --enable-ipv6 --enable-v4-mapped

Examples from SQL:

# From "link1_in_asn" aggregate (5 minute summaries)
SELECT stamp_inserted, as_src, as_dst, ip_proto, bytes, packets, flows

FROM pmacct.link1_in_asn

WHERE stamp_inserted = '2012-03-21 23:00:00'
AND ip_proto = 17
AND agent_id = 123

ORDER BY stamp_inserted, bytes DESC LIMIT 10;

     stamp_inserted     | as_src | as_dst | ip_proto |   bytes    | packets
| flows
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  werad |  YYYYY |       17 | 3214956083 | 3500975
| 14499
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  dslakf |  YYYYY |       17 | 2321315742 |
1583493 |   149
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  owier |  YYYYY |       17 | 1930275726 | 1318249
|   144
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  odfja |  YYYYY |       17 | 1646701744 | 1132506
|  6829
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   abwe |  ZZZZZ |       17 | 1610509378 | 1122283
| 11174
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   dde |  YYYYY |       17 | 1499006716 | 1612566
| 38509
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  bd |  YYYYY |       17 | 1386283090 |  969709 |
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   wef |  YYYYY |       17 | 1339588617 |  932396
|  1582
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   lkjd |  YYYYY |       17 | 1256466227 | 1197856
| 28710
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   pwe |  YYYYY |       17 | 1218225269 | 2108718
| 30506
(10 rows)

# From "link1_in" aggregate (15 minute summaries)
SELECT stamp_inserted, as_src, as_dst, ip_proto, sum(bytes) AS bytes_sum,
sum(packets) AS packets_sum, sum(flows) AS flows_sum

FROM pmacct.link1_ingress

WHERE stamp_inserted = '2012-03-21 23:00:00'
AND ip_proto = 17
AND agent_id = 123

GROUP BY stamp_inserted, as_src, as_dst, ip_proto
ORDER BY stamp_inserted, bytes_sum DESC LIMIT 10;

     stamp_inserted     | as_src | as_dst | ip_proto | bytes_sum |
packets_sum | flows_sum
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  abcd |  YYYYY |       17 | 251521852 |
 383070 |      2702
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   eeff |  YYYYY |       17 | 206594948 |
 160698 |       260
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   gadsf |  ZZZZZ |       17 | 188309949 |
 133074 |      1273
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  zowes |  YYYYY |       17 | 178528807 |
 251929 |      1671
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   asdfl |  YYYYY |       17 | 173423708 |
 256535 |      3810
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |    bws |  YYYYY |       17 | 152331951 |
 176804 |        75
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  ppw |  YYYYY |       17 | 139594690 |
95350 |        10
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |   xwz |  YYYYY |       17 | 132966829 |
 145129 |      3056
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  owkd |  YYYYY |       17 | 125959489 |
88111 |         8
 2012-03-21 23:00:00+00 |  llkjs |  YYYYY |       17 | 121121281 |
82647 |        16
(10 rows)

##### partial config file ##########
daemonize: true
syslog: local0
aggregate[link1_in]: src_as, dst_as, src_net, src_mask, dst_net, dst_mask,
proto, flows, tag
aggregate[link1_out]: src_as, dst_as, src_net, src_mask, dst_net, dst_mask,
proto, std_comm, local_pref, med, flows, tag
aggregate[link1_in_asn]: src_as, dst_as, proto, flows, tag
aggregate[link1_out_asn]: src_as, dst_as, std_comm, as_path, proto, flows,
plugin_pipe_size: 20480000
plugin_buffer_size: 20480
plugins: pgsql[link1_in], pgsql[link1_out], pgsql[link1_in_asn],
nfacctd_port:             xxxxx
nfacctd_time_new:     true
nfacctd_as_new:        fallback
sql_db[link1_in_asn]:                         database
sql_table[link1_in_asn]:                      pmacct.link1_in_asn_%Y%m%d_%H
sql_table_type[link1_in_asn]:              bgp
sql_user[link1_in_asn]:                       xxxx
sql_password[link1_in_asn]:               xxxx
sql_refresh_time[link1_in_asn]:           300
sql_optimize_clauses[link1_in_asn]:    true
sql_history[link1_in_asn]:                   5m
sql_history_roundoff[link1_in_asn]:      m
sql_dont_try_update[link1_in_asn]:      true
sql_use_copy[link1_in_asn]:               true
sql_cache_entries[link1_in_asn]:         512009
sql_db[link1_in]:                         database
sql_table[link1_in]:                      pmacct.link1_ingress_%Y%m%d_%H
sql_table_type[link1_in]:              bgp
sql_user[link1_in]:                      xxxx
sql_password[link1_in]:               xxxx
sql_refresh_time[link1_in]:           900
sql_optimize_clauses[link1_in]:    true
sql_history[link1_in]:                   15m
sql_history_roundoff[link1_in]:      m
sql_dont_try_update[link1_in]:      true
sql_use_copy[link1_in]:               true
sql_cache_entries[link1_in]:         2048063
refresh_maps: true
pre_tag_map: /usr/local/etc/pmacct/premap_regional_id.map
networks_mask: 24

##### premap file ##########
! Pre-tagging map for regional ID -- Cannot place all networks on a single
line due to
! static buffer limit so break up /24s into groups of five.
id=3 ip= filter="net or net or net ... "
id=3 ip= filter="net or net or
net ... "
id=3 ip= filter="net or net or
net ... "
id=177 ip= filter="net ...."
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