Hi. I wonder if anybody can help.
I am using nfacctd as a netflow v9 -> mysql collector for a Mikrotik router 
(routerOS v5.16).
I have added src_mac and dst_mac to the aggregate, but the mac addresses are 
just entered as zeros.
Interestingly, before I added those to the aggregate, the src_msc and were 
being logged as 0:0:0:0:0:0, and after I added to the aggregate, it's showing 
as 00:00:00:00:00:00.
I'm new to all this stuff really, but I wonder if you have any tips for 
My nfacctd.conf looks like:
daemonize: false
aggregate_filter[newapp]: dst port 25 or 443
aggregate[newapp]: src_mac, dst_mac, src_port, dst_port, src_host, dst_host
nfacctd_time_new: true
plugins: mysql[newapp]
sql_db: pmacct
sql_table: acct
sql_table_version: 1
sql_passwd: acleverpassword
sql_user: pmacctdbuser
sql_refresh_time: 90
sql_history: 5m
sql_history_roundoff: mh

Operating system is CentOS 5.7, x64.

I had to compile with --disable-so.


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