And sometimes the filenames look correct but again they all come out at the
same time:

(root) packet1:/opt/pmacct/data# ls -lt | head
total 6670424
-rw-------   1 root root 3005237 Oct 21 15:28 nfacct-20151021-1525.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 1461133 Oct 21 15:28 nfacct-20151021-1527.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 2292406 Oct 21 15:28 nfacct-20151021-1526.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 3505033 Oct 21 15:27 nfacct-20151021-1524.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 2178942 Oct 21 15:26 nfacct-20151021-1523.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 2551924 Oct 21 15:24 nfacct-20151021-1522.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 3633218 Oct 21 15:23 nfacct-20151021-1521.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 2407956 Oct 21 15:22 nfacct-20151021-1520.csv
-rw-------   1 root root 2669403 Oct 21 15:21 nfacct-20151021-1519.csv
(root) packet1:/opt/pmacct/data# perl -le 'foreach (qw{1519 1520 1521 1522
1523 1524 1525 1526 1527}){print("$_: ".
1519: Wed Oct 21 15:21:46 2015
1520: Wed Oct 21 15:22:50 2015
1521: Wed Oct 21 15:23:53 2015
1522: Wed Oct 21 15:24:58 2015
1523: Wed Oct 21 15:26:02 2015
1524: Wed Oct 21 15:27:06 2015
1525: Wed Oct 21 15:28:10 2015
1526: Wed Oct 21 15:28:10 2015
1527: Wed Oct 21 15:28:10 2015

Seems related?

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Edward Henigin <> wrote:

> Hi Paolo,
> Running pmacct 1.5.2, simply using the print plugin, I'm getting multiple
> files coming out at the same time with filenames suggesting they should be
> coming out at different times, and sometimes very strange filenames like
> the data is very old.
> ls output:
> (root) packet1:/opt/pmacct/data# ls -lt | head
> total 6649800
> -rw-------   1 root root 1785873 Oct 21 15:20 nfacct-20151021-1450.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 2740509 Oct 21 15:20 nfacct-20151021-1518.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 2597403 Oct 21 15:20 nfacct-20151021-1519.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 2778987 Oct 21 15:19 nfacct-20151021-1517.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 3017902 Oct 21 15:18 nfacct-20151021-1516.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 2860626 Oct 21 15:17 nfacct-20151021-1515.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 3013418 Oct 21 15:16 nfacct-20151021-1514.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 3433555 Oct 21 15:15 nfacct-20151021-1513.csv
> -rw-------   1 root root 2752513 Oct 21 15:14 nfacct-20151021-1512.csv
> and timestamps to the second:
> (root) packet1:/opt/pmacct/data# perl -le 'foreach (qw{1512 1513 1514 1515
> 1516 1517 1518 1450}){print("$_: ".
> localtime((stat("nfacct-20151021-$_.csv"))[9]))}'
> 1512: Wed Oct 21 15:14:18 2015
> 1513: Wed Oct 21 15:15:22 2015
> 1514: Wed Oct 21 15:16:26 2015
> 1515: Wed Oct 21 15:17:30 2015
> 1516: Wed Oct 21 15:18:34 2015
> 1517: Wed Oct 21 15:19:38 2015
> 1518: Wed Oct 21 15:20:42 2015
> 1450: Wed Oct 21 15:20:42 2015
> Where is filename "...-1450" coming from, and why is it coming out at the
> same time as -1518?
> *Configuration:*
> ! nfacctd configuration file
> aggregate: peer_src_ip,in_iface,dst_host,dst_mask
> plugins: print
> plugin_buffer_size: 10240
> imt_buckets: 157
> imt_mem_pools_number: 256
> imt_mem_pools_size: 32768
> syslog: daemon
> daemonize: true
> !
> print_refresh_time: 64
> print_history: 1m
> print_output: csv
> print_output_file: /opt/pmacct/data/nfacct-%Y%m%d-%H%M.csv
> print_output_file_append: true
> !
> nfacctd_port: 2055
> *Syslog:*
> Oct 21 15:15:21 packet1 nfacctd[558]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - START (PID: 558) ***
> Oct 21 15:15:22 packet1 nfacctd[558]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - END (PID: 558, QN: 80643/80847, ET: 1) ***
> Oct 21 15:16:25 packet1 nfacctd[593]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - START (PID: 593) ***
> Oct 21 15:16:26 packet1 nfacctd[593]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - END (PID: 593, QN: 74092/74503, ET: 1) ***
> Oct 21 15:17:29 packet1 nfacctd[651]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - START (PID: 651) ***
> Oct 21 15:17:30 packet1 nfacctd[651]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - END (PID: 651, QN: 74211/74621, ET: 1) ***
> Oct 21 15:18:33 packet1 nfacctd[690]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - START (PID: 690) ***
> Oct 21 15:18:34 packet1 nfacctd[690]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - END (PID: 690, QN: 71470/72233, ET: 1) ***
> Oct 21 15:19:37 packet1 nfacctd[739]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - START (PID: 739) ***
> Oct 21 15:19:38 packet1 nfacctd[739]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - END (PID: 739, QN: 69195/73637, ET: 1) ***
> Oct 21 15:20:41 packet1 nfacctd[779]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - START (PID: 779) ***
> Oct 21 15:20:42 packet1 nfacctd[779]: INFO ( default/print ): *** Purging
> cache - END (PID: 779, QN: 67848/83867, ET: 1) ***
> Ed
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