Hi Derrik,

Is it a good assumption the package was compiled with "--enable-ipv6",
correct? Also, are you sending v4 and v6 AFs over a v4 BGP session or
you have two BGP sessions, one v4 and one v6? What is the content of
the file pointed by bgp_agent_map? Last question for this round: do
you see v6 prefixes landing allright onto pmacct, ie. as part of the
content of the file pointed by bgp_daemon_msglog_file?


On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 07:31:24PM -0800, Derrick Sawyer wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having trouble getting IPv6 BGP & mask lookups working.  Currently I
> have MP-BGP setup sending v4 & v6 prefixes but only IPv4 is working.
> Could you help me with the proper way to set this up?
> My current config:
> debug: false
> daemonize: false
> plugins: memory
> print_refresh_time: 30
> print_history_roundoff: m
> print_history: 1m
> sfacctd_port: 7000
> interface: eth0
> sfacctd_as: bgp
> sfacctd_net: bgp
> sfacctd_peer_as: true
> sfacctd_renormalize: true
> sfacctd_ip: X.X.X.X
> plugin_buffer_size: 102400
> plugin_pipe_size: 10240000
> imt_path: /tmp/pmacct.pipe
> pkt_len_distrib_bins:
> 0-199,200-399,400-599,600-799,800-999,1000-1499,1500-9000
> !BGP
> bgp_daemon: true
> bgp_daemon_ip: X.X.X.X
> bgp_daemon_max_peers: 100
> bgp_aspath_radius: 15
> bgp_table_peer_buckets: 10
> bgp_peer_src_as_type: bgp
> bgp_src_as_path_type: bgp
> bgp_src_local_pref_type: bgp
> bgp_src_med_type: bgp
> bgp_neighbors_file: /tmp/bgp.peers
> bgp_peer_src_as_map: /opt/kf/etc/pmacct/peers.map
> !pre_tag_map: /opt/kf/etc/pmacct/pretag.map
> bgp_table_dump_refresh_time: 300
> bmp_daemon: true
> bgp_daemon_msglog_file: /tmp/bgp-peer.log
> bgp_agent_map: /opt/kf/etc/pmacct/agent_to_peer.map
> ! AGG Prefixes x.x.x.x/CIDR
> aggregate: src_net, src_mask, src_as, src_as_path
> Thanks,
> -/-Derrick Sawyer

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