
I'm trying to get pmacctd to perform traffic accounting on my home router that's based on a debian machine.

I'm running the following configuration:

debug: false
daemonize: true
pidfile: /var/run/pmacctd.pid
! syslog: daemon
logfile: /var/log/pmacctd.ppp0.log

plugin_pipe_size: 10240000
plugin_buffer_size: 10240
plugins: print[print]

pcap_interface: ppp0
pcap_interface_wait: true
pre_tag_map: /etc/pmacct/pre_tag.ppp0.map

networks_file: /etc/pmacct/networks.map
networks_no_mask_if_zero: false
pmacctd_net: file
! pmacctd_net[print]: file
pmacctd_as: file
! pmacctd_as[print]: file

aggregate[print]: etype, proto, src_as, dst_as, src_host, dst_host, label
print_output_file[print]: /etc/pmacct/print_dump.ppp0.json
print_output[print]: json
print_history[print]: 1m
print_history_roundoff[print]: m
print_refresh_time[print]: 60
print_trigger_exec[print]: /etc/pmacct/postit.ppp0.sh

Within my pre_tag.ppp0.map file i have:

set_label=ppp0_in filter='inbound'
set_label=ppp0_out filter='outbound'

This works correctly and my labels end up with ppp0_in and ppp0_out.

The issue i'm facing is that when i replace every ppp0 occurrence with enp1s0, that the labels do /not/ get set.

The only difference i've seen between these configs seems to be the 'link type' which for ppp0 is 113 and for the enp1s0 is 1.

Is there something i'm missing here?
Is there a better way to correctly identify inbound vs outbound traffic?

tcpdump -i enp1s0 inbound works the same as tcpdump -i enp1s0 -Q in

Kind regards,

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