
pmacct is a small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools. It can account, classify, aggregate, replicate and export forwarding plane data, ie. IPv4 and IPv6 traffic; collect and correlate control-plane data via BGP and BMP; collect and correlate RPKI data; collect infrastructure data via Streaming Telemetry. Each component works both as a standalone daemon and as a thread of execution for correlation purposes (ie. enrich NetFlow with BGP data).

A pluggable architecture allows to store collected forwarding-plane data into memory tables, RDBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), noSQL databases (MongoDB, BerkeleyDB), AMQP (RabbitMQ) and Kafka message exchanges and flat-files. pmacct offers customizable historical data breakdown, data enrichments like BGP and IGP correlation and GeoIP lookups, filtering, tagging and triggers. Libpcap, Linux Netlink/NFLOG, sFlow v2/v4/v5, NetFlow v5/v8/v9 and IPFIX are all supported as inputs for forwarding-plane data. Replication of incoming NetFlow, IPFIX and sFlow datagrams is also available. Collected data can be easily exported (ie. via Kafka) to modern databases like ElasticSearch, Apache Druid and ClickHouse and (ie. via flat-files) to classic tools Cacti, RRDtool and MRTG, etc.

Control-plane and infrastructure data, collected via BGP, BMP and Streaming Telemetry, can be all logged real-time or dumped at regular time intervals to AMQP (RabbitMQ) and Kafka message exchanges and flat-files.



+ Introduced support for eBPF for all daemons: if SO_REUSEPORT is
  supported by the OS and eBPF support is compiled in, this allows
  to load a custom load-balancer. To load-share, daemons have to
  be part of the same cluster_name and each be configured with a
  distinct cluster_id.
+ Introduced support for listening on VRF interfaces on Linux for
  all daemons. The feature can be enabled via nfacctd_interface,
  bgp_daemon_interface and equivalent knobs. Many thanks to
  Marcel Menzel ( @WRMSRwasTaken ) for this contribution.
+ pre_tag_map: introduced limited tagging / labelling support for
  BGP (pmbgpd), BMP (pmbmpd), Streaming Telemetry (pmtelemetryd)
  daemons. ip, set_tag, set_label keys being currently supported.
+ pre_tag_map: defined a new pre_tag_label_encode_as_map config
  knob to encode the output 'label' value as a map for JSON and
  Apache Avro encodings, ie. in JSON "label": { "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2" }. For keys and values to be correctly mapped,
  the '%' delimiter is used when composing a pre_tag_map, ie.
  "set_label=key1%value1,key2%value2 ip=". Thanks to
  Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ pre_tag_map: introduced support for IP prefixes for src_net
  and dst_net keys for indexed maps (maps_index set to true).
  Indexing being an hash map, this feature currently tests data
  against all defined IP prefix lenghts in the map for a match
  (first defined matching prefix wins).
+ pre_tag_map: introduced two new 'is_nsel', 'is_nel' keys to
  check for the presence of firewallEvent field (233) and
  natEvent field (230) in NetFlow/IPFIX respectively in order
  to infer whether data is NSEL / NEL. If set to 'true' this
  does match NSEL / NEL data, if set to 'false' it does match
  non NSEL / NEL data respectively.
+ Introduced a new mpls_label_stack primitive, encoded as a
  string and includes a comma-separated list of integers (label
  values). Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for this
+ Introduced a new fw_event primitive, to support NetFlow v9/
  IPFIX firewallEvent 233 Information Element.
+ Introduced a new tunnel_tcp_flags primitive for pmacctd and
  sfacctd to record TCP flags for the inner layer of a tunneled
  technology (ie. VXLAN). Also tunnel_dst_port decoding was
  fixed for sfacctd.
+ Introduced support for in/out VLAN support for sfacctd. To be
  savy, 'in_vlan' and 'vlan' were muxed onto the same primitive
  depending on the daemon being used. Thanks to Jim Westfall
  ( @jwestfall69 ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new mpls_label_stack_encode_as_array config knob
  to encode the MPLS label stack as an array for JSON and Apache
  Avro encodings, ie. in JSON "mpls_label_stack": [ "0-label0",
  "1-label1", "2-label2", "3-label3", "4-label4", "5-label5" ]
  and in Avro "name": "mpls_label_stack", "type": { "type":
  "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }. Thanks to Salvatore
  Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new tcpflags_encode_as_array config knob to encode
  TCP flags as an array for JSON and Apache Avro, ie. in JSON
  "tcp_flags": [ "URG", "ACK", "PSH", "RST", "SYN", "FIN" ] and
  in Avro "name": "tcp_flags", "type": { "type": "array",
  "items": { "type": "string" } }. Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla
  ( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new fwd_status_encode_as_string config knob to
  encode the 'fwd_status' primitive in human-readable format
  like described by RFC-7270 Section 4.12 when JSON or Avro
  formats are selected for output. Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla
  ( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new protos_file to define a list of (known/
  interesting/meaningful) IP protocols. Both protocol names, ie.
  "tcp", and protocol numbers, ie. 1 (for icmp), are accepted.
  IANA reserved protocol value 255 is used to bucket as 'others'
  those IP protocols not matching the ones defined in the list.
+ Introduced a new tos_file to define a list of (meaningful) IP
  ToS values; if tos_encode_as_dscp is set to true then DSCP
  values are expected as part of the file. The directive uses
  value 255 to bucket as 'others' those ToS/DSCP values not
  matching the ones defined in the list.
+ A new tos_encode_as_dscp config knob makes pmacct to honour
  only the 6 bits used by DSCP and report only on those.
+ BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: introduced a new
  dump_time_slots config knob to spread the load deriving by
  dumps over the configured refresh time interval. The interval
  is divided into time slots and nodes are assigned to such
  slots. The slot for each node is determined using its IP
  address. Thanks to Raphael Barazzutti ( @rbarazzutti ) for
  this contribution.
+ BGP, BMP daemons: End-of-RIB messages are now being exposed
  in the output feed in order to facilitate tracking their
  arrival (or not!).
+ pmtelemetryd: aligned daemon to the latest Unyte UDP-Notif API
  (0.6.1) and related standardization draft-ietf-netconf-udp-notif
+ RPKI daemon: added case for input "asn" value being integer (ie.
  "asn" : 2914) on top of the string case (ie. "asn" : "AS2914").
+ Kafka, amqp plugins: introduced a new writer_id_string config
  knob to allow to customize the the "writer_id" field value. A
  few variables are supported along with static text definitions.
+ Added a new aggregate_unknown_etype config knob to account also
  frames with EtherTypes for which there is no decoding support
  and allow to aggregate them by the available Ethernet L2 fields
  (ie. 'src_mac', 'dst_mac', 'vlan', 'cos', 'etype'). Thanks to
  @singularsyntax for this contribution.
+ Added a new bgp_daemon_add_path_ignore config knob to ignore
  (do not advertise back) the ADD-PATH capability advertised by
  remote BGP peers.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: extended the possibility to run daemons from
  a user with non root privileges to these daemons.
+ nfacctd: if Information Element 90 (MPLS VPN RD) is present in
  NetFlow v9/IPFIX, make it available for BGP/BMP correlation.
+ pmacctd, sfacctd: introduced basic support for QinQ, 802.1AD.
+ [print|kafka|amqp]_preprocess: added suppport for 'maxp',
  'maxb' and 'maxf' keys when preprocessing aggregates of non-
  SQL plugins. Thanks to Andrew R. Lake ( @arlake228 ) for this
+ nDPI: newer versions of the library (ie. >= 4.0) bring changes
  to the API. pmacct is now aligned to compile against these. At
  the same time support for nDPI 3.x was dropped.
! fix, plugin_common.[ch]: when stitching feature was enabled,
  ie. nfacctd_stitching, timestamp_min was never reset. Also both
  timestamp_min and timestamp_max were clamped to sec granularity.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: added a tmp_bgp_daemon_origin_type_int to
  print out BGP "origin" field as int (legacy behaviour) instead
  of string (current behaviour). In a future major release the
  legacy behaviour will be dropped.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: MPLS labels are now encoded in both JSON
  and Apache Avro as 'mpls_label' instead of 'label'. This is to
  align behaviour with pre_tag_map where 'label' has a different
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: resolved memory leak when encoding log
  messaging (logmsg) in Avro format with Schema Registry support.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved handling of ADD-PATH capability,
  making it per-AF (as it is supposed to be) and not global.
! fix, BMP daemon: now checking that ADD-PATH capability is
  enabled at both ends of the monitored session (check both BGP
  OPEN in a Peer Up message) in order to infer that the capability
  exchange was successful. Also some heuristics were added to
  conciliate BGP Open vs BGP Update 4-bytes ASN reality.
! fix, nfacctd: improved parsing of NetFlow v9 Options data
  particularly when multiple IEs are packed as part of a flowset.
! fix, nfacctd: corrected parsing of Information Element 351
! fix, pmacctd: improved processing of pcap_interfaces_map for
  cases where the same interface is present multiple times (maybe
  with different directions). Also, if the map is empty then bail
  out at startup.
! fix, pmacctd: SEGV when ICMP/ICMPv6 traffic was processed and
  'flows' primitive was enabled.
! fix, pmacctd: sampling_rate primitive value was not reported
  correctly when 'sampling_rate' config directive was specified.
! fix, pmbgpd, pmpmbd, pmtelemtryd: changed SIGCHLD handler to
  prevent zombification of last spawned data dump writer.
! fix, Kafka plugin: moved the schema registration from the dump
  writer to the plugin process in order to register the schemas
  only once at plugin startup and not on every start of a writer
  process. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for this
! fix, Kafka plugin: a check for kafka_partition was missing,
  leading the plugin to always use the default partitioner
  instead of sending data to the configured fixed partition.
  Thanks to Martin Pels ( @rodecker ) for this contribution.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: BGP data enrichment was not working due to
  a mistakenly moved pointer.
! fix, sfprobe plugin: AS-PATH was being populated even when null;
  added a check to see if the destination AS is not zero in order
  to put the destination AS into the AS-PATH for sFlow packets.
  Thanks to Marcel Menzel ( @WRMSRwasTaken ) for this contribution.
! fix, networks_file: remove_dupes() was making partial commits
  of valid rows hence creating data inconsistencies.
! fix, pre_tag_map: resolved a potential string overflow that was
  being triggered in pretag_append_label() when data would be
  assigned more than one single label. Also now allow ',' chars
  in set_label.
! fix, maps_index: uninitialized var could cause SEGV in case no
  results are found in the map index. Also introduced support for
  catch-all rules, ie. "set_label=unknown".
! fix, maps_index: optimized the case of no 'ip' key specified
  (for nfacctd and sfacctd): when indexing is enabled, prevent
  recirculation from happening, ie. test v4 first then v6, since
  the 'ip' key is not going to be part of the hash serializer.
! fix, pretag.c: allow to allocate maps greater than 2GB in size.
  Also several optimizations were carried out yelding to a better
  memory utilization for allocated maps along with improved times
  to resolve JEQs.
! fix, pre_tag_label_filter: optimized and improved runtime
  evaluation part of this feature, avoiding a costly strdup() and
  returning immediately on certain basic mismatch conditions.
! fix, kafka_common.[ch]: a new p_kafka_produce_data_and_free()
  is invoked to optimize memory allocations and releases.
! fix, plugin_cmn_avro.c: when a schema registry is being defined,
  ie. kafka_avro_schema_registry, the logic to generate the schema
  name has been changed: use topic plus record name as the schema
  name, use underscore as separator within the record name, stop
  adding a "-value" suffix. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck )
  for this contribution.
! fix, util.c: roundoff_time() to reason always with the locally
  configured time, like for the rest of functional (as in non-data)
  timestamps, ie. refresh time, deadline, etc.
! fix, log.c: when log messages are longer than message buffer,
  the message gets cut off. As the trailing newline also gets cut
  off the message will be concatenated with the following message
  which makes the log hard to read. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck
  ( @ustorbeck ) for this contribution.
- Completed the retirement of legacy packet classification based
  on home-grown code (Shared Objects) and the L7 layer project.
- Removed the mpls_stck_depth primitive due to the introduction
  of the mpls_label_stack primitive.

See UPGRADE file.


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