the error is what you get as error message: an invalid extent. A point 
does not have any extent. you need to apply a buffer to the point in 
order to have a 2-dimensional extent.


Jack Nicholson wrote:
> Hi to everybody,
> I want to add in the frame search a function "zoom2point" through a form in
> which to insert X/Y. The Form is the following:
> <form name="zoom2point" >
> Inserisci le coordinate del Punto (Gauss-Boaga):
> <table border="2" width="370" height="40"> 
>  <td >X:<input type="text" name="X" size="20"></td>
>  <td >Y:<input type="text" name="Y" size="20"></td>
> </table>
> <input type=button name="" value="Visualizza"
> onclick="javascript:openFramesZoom('1024#768#medium', 'it', '', '')">
> </form>
> The function is:
> <SCRIPT  LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" >
>   function openFramesZoom(sizevals, gLanguage, config, startParameters){
>     var sizearray = sizevals.split('#');
>     var winwidth  = parseInt(sizearray[0]);
>     var winheight = parseInt(sizearray[1]);
>     var winsize   = sizearray[2];
> + winsize + "&language=" + gLanguage + "&config=" + config +
> startParameters, "MapServerTestSuite", "width=" + winwidth + ",height=" +
> winheight +
> ",menubar=no,scrollbar=auto,resizable=no,top=0,left=0,status=yes");
>   }
> The problem is that when I insert the X/Ys me from this error:
> Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: setExtent(): Given map extent is invalid. in
> C:\ms4w\apps\DI.TRA.GIS\incphp\map.php on line 511
> Where is it that mistake?

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