What is the result? 'No records found'? or a PHP error (maybe in the error

You can display the query WHERE clause uncommenting the line 649 in
query.php (echo $this->qStr;) try to run this SQL then on your database
(adding the SELECT... FROM... before) and see if this query gives you any

If it works but pmapper does not give any results, try to add the layer
without assigning it to a group, I don't know any more if attribute search
works really well on a layer that is part of a group.


> Hi
> I have been trying to get the search function working on my map for a few
> days now I have read all the previous posts I could find on the list and I
> have read the comments in js_custom.php and scrutinised the demo map file
> with no success.
> I am using postgis and pmapper 1.1 could someone please explain where Im
> going wrong.  the layer holds the current positions of trucks and I want
> the
> user to be able to search for and then zoom to a truck based on its ID (a
> string)

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