you can put a line like

$refImgPath = $map->reference->image;
//... some code for adapting relative path ...  

at the end of the PHP header part of map.phtml and then further down below

<img id="refMapImg" name="refMapImg" src="<?php echo $refImgPath ?>"  ...

But you will have to take care with relative paths (for the map file it is
by default '../images/reference.png', for map.phtml you'd need
'images/reference.png'. So either play around with all the '__FILE__',
'cwd()' or 'substr()' stuff for the ref image path, or just use absolute
paths for the ref image.


> from: Fr?d?ric Trastour <support at>
> Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:03:02 +0100
> Armin,
> I saw that, the image name is hard-coded in the IMG tag, and "a priori"
> the
> My problem is that I generate on the fly both the map file and a specific
> config.ini file,
> and I would like to use mapserver to generate the overview image.
> Thanks for your response,
> Fr?d?ric.

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