>> Silke Reimer wrote:

> Yes, you are right. BTW: We already contacted you last summer
> (before this list existed) but never got an answer. Please don't
> misunderstand: This is not an offence since I know the problem of
> getting to many emails! It is just an explanation why we contact you
> so late.

I checked my mails on @libero.it and @gmx.net but I have not received 
any mail from you last year.

>>> I18N:
> Could you explain why? In my opinion there is no need to implement
> an own infrastructure when gettext already has made this.

not every PHP has gettext installed and I also find the getext concept a 
bit complicated, so I never used it. I found it easier to work with 
simple database tables where I also could easily include additional 
entries, like an import of all European country names for instance with 
country ID as key.

>>> Checkscale:
>> I do not understand that. I thought pmapper displays all layers that 
>> have their scale inside the range defined by max/minscale, like 
>> Mapserver does. 
> We experienced a different behaviour as described above. Indeed this
> is a rather small fix.

I think I never got these problems, also until now I have not heard of 
this from other users.

>>> Info-Results
  > We wrote a new class VQuery which displays the table vertially. It
> has indeed been a littly tricky to get the HTML-snappets into the
> right order but it still is feasable.

How does it look like, if you have 2 records? Below each other? Besides 
each other, or with tabs? I already mentioned this to Dennis Jan: Having 
more display methods makes it more difficult to combine all of them, or 
maintain them separately.

>>> searchlist:

> Yes, but we thought that js_custom.php should contain the
> functionality while all application specific values (such as
> concret search places) should be in the config-directory. In my
> opinion this is easier to maintain for the application admin since
> he has only one directory which contains every configuration.

that could make sense. Mainly also if just the required files are within 
an application, the standard class files could be in a general directory 
for more than just 1 project. Also a not mentioned feature for the 
future, defining the location of the incphp directory eg.

Viele Gr??e aus Italien. Armin

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