
did you have a look at the licensing clauses of ActiveWidgets at

I find it quite confusing, and I don't understand if one can use it for 
free or not, without any restrictions. Or just if you publish all of 
your developments that include ActiveWidgets also under the GPL. The 
first 3 paragraphs are somewhat contradictory.

And having had a look what they write in their beta release 2 makes me 
feel that I don't really like this company:

        "WARNING: This software program is protected by copyright law
        and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or
        distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result
        in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted
        to the maximum extent possible under the law.

        This software is not free and is licensed to you for testing
        and evaluation only. You are not allowed to distribute
        or use any parts of this software for any other purposes."

I have never read such a weird license clause. I don't know if this will 
become the license for the final release 2. So maybe one should stay to 
less fancy but also less problematic and ambiguous JS libraries.


DJ Broerse wrote:
> Hi Armin
> I have fixed the problem with the Identify functionality. I will ask you 
> to look at the new rendermethod because I like to contribute the code.
> It is based on an ActiveWidget (see also ) 
> and I have functions rewritten so they give me the right format (JS 
> array) in stead of a table.
> The new rendermethod has some great advantages!
>     * The tableheaders are always visible
>     * The code is simply
>     * It is maintainable.
>     * It has a lot of features (you can do everything with your results
>       what you want, add checkboxes every table on a new tab etc)
>     * It is open source
>     * The results are numbered
> I will attach the gridRenderer class which I have written so you can 
> decide if want to implement this in your maincode.
> I hope you want to replace your table with the grid else I have to make 
> it configurable.
> The autorisation is very easy to implement because it  is one  php file  
> you have to include in the globals.php, and to achieve autorisation at 
> the buttons I have changed custom.php.
> I also added one config file to setup the autorisation.
> The autorisation is group based. So you have files with users each 
> filename is a group.
> For each group you can define a config.ini and a map file, so each group 
> can have his own map.
> I already mentioned there are 5 autorisation methods: none (default if 
> you don't want to have autorisation), textfiles, htacces, kerberos and 
> MySQL db.
> Tomorrow I will make the advancedSearch and the AdvancedPrint ready for 
> contribution and I will test some older functionalities if they aren't 
> broken.
> You can visit the given URL to see the functionalities live, if someone 
> else want to see the new functionalities please send me an email and I 
> will send you the URL.
> Greeting, in Dutch, tot ziens,
> Dennis-Jan
> -- 
> DJ Broerse    dennisjan at 
> Direct: 0118 42 95 68 Mobiel: 06 48 01 03 08 
> Skype: callto://dennisjan-ibuildings
> BV - Information technology 
> - 0118 42 95 50 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * @package package * @subpackage subpackage * */ class gridRenderer { // 
> Class attributes var $staticId = 0; var $columns = ''; var $data = ''; 
> var $grid = ''; var $rowProp = ''; var $columnProp = ''; /** * 
> Constructor * */ function gridRenderer() { static $id = 0; $id++; 
> $this->staticId = $id; } /** * One line description of the function * * 
> Full description of the function * * @param type name description * 
> @return type description */ function setHeaders($selHeaders) { 
> $this->columns = "var columns".$this->staticId." = 
> ".$selHeaders.";\n\n"; } /** * One line description of the function * * 
> Full description of the function * * @param type name description * 
> @return type description */ function setData($queryData) { $this->data = 
> "var data".$this->staticId." = [".$queryData."];\n\n"; } /** * One line 
> description of the function * * Full description of the function * * 
> @param type name description * @return type description */ function 
> setRowProp($rowProp) { $this->rowProp = 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setRowProperty('count', ".$rowProp.");\n"; } /** 
> * One line description of the function * * Full description of the 
> function * * @param type name description * @return type description */ 
> function setColumnProp($columnProp) { $this->columnProp = 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setColumnProperty('count', 
> ".$columnProp.");\n\n"; } /** * One line description of the function * * 
> Full description of the function * * @param type name description * 
> @return type description */ function write() { $this->grid = 
> $this->columns; $this->grid .= $this->data; $this->grid .= "// create 
> ActiveWidgets Grid javascript object\n"; $this->grid .= "var 
> obj".$this->staticId." = new Active.Controls.Grid;\n\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "// Set number of rows/columns\n"; $this->grid .= $this->rowProp; 
> $this->grid .= $this->columnProp; $this->grid .= "// Provide cells and 
> headers text\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setDataProperty('text', function(i, j) {return 
> data".$this->staticId."[i][j]});\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setColumnProperty('text', function(i) {return 
> columns".$this->staticId."[i]});\n\n"; $this->grid .= "// Set headers 
> width/height\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setRowHeaderWidth('28px');\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setColumnHeaderHeight('20px');\n\n"; $this->grid 
> .= "// Set click action handler\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "obj".$this->staticId.".setAction('click', function(src){window.status = 
> src.getItemProperty('text')});\n\n"; $this->grid .= "// Write grid html 
> to the page\n"; $this->grid .= 
> "document.write(obj".$this->staticId.");\n\n\n"; return $this->grid; } } ?>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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