> I try your w3v version!!! Good
> I try it with demodata.. on search for cities, for example 'paris'
> in my erro_log apache file obtain this:
> [Tue Jun 13 09:15:21 2006] [error] [client] PHP Warning: 
> getLayerByName failed for : cities_xylayer\n in
> path_to_pmapper/pmapper2_w3c/incphp/query/query.php on line 638, referer:
> http://www.faunalia.com/pmapper/pmapper2_w3c/map.phtml?&language=it
> [Tue Jun 13 09:15:21 2006] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
>  Call to a member function on a non-object in
> path_to_pmapperr/pmapper2_w3c/incphp/query/query.php on line 645, referer:
> http://www.faunalia.com/pmapper/pmapper2_w3c/map.phtml?&language=it
> why pmapper try to find his layer? cities_xyxlayer on pmapper_demo.map?

because it is specified as the layer in the search definitions. It comes from 
tests with XY layers. Just modify that setting in js_custom.php to the real 
layer (probably 'cities') and it should work.

I would anyway suggest to use for tests your own definitions for the map file 
and the config.ini to test functioning with other layers than my default 
datasets. In principal one would just need these 2 files and modify the 
js_custom.php according to your layers. I will work on putting all custom files 
in the config dir as a  medium term solution.



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