Hi to all!
I am testing the new release (2.1.0) but got some trouble with the new 
configuration system:

This is the config:

pm_config_location = tevere
mapFile = test.map

This the error i am getting:

Warning: Failed to open mapfile 
in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/pmapper/incphp/globals.php on line 55

Fatal error: Call to a member function getAllGroupNames() on a non-object in 
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/pmapper/incphp/init/initmap.php on line 93

But the file is there:
geko a localhost ~ $ ls -l 
-rwxr-xr-x1 geko apache 2805 Sep 27 10:34 

With 2.0.0 all was fine

Thanks for all
"Chiunque pu_ simpatizzare col dolore di un amico, ma solo chi ha un animo 
nobile riesce a simpatizzare col successo di un amico (Oscar Wilde)"

LINUX User #411601
GENTOO-GIS Development Team
jabber: casagrande a jabber.linux.it


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