I think the easiest is to store the point info as a Javascript variable 
and add it later on to the result. In function showqueryresult(type, xy) 
add something like

var pixcoords = xy.split('+');
PM_Query.identifyPoint = getGeoCoords(pixcoords[0], pixcoords[1], false);

and then for the pmjson.js/parseJSON() add at the beginning

rhtml += 'Query for coodinate: X:' + opener.PM_Query.identifyPoint.x + 
'Y:' + opener.PM_Query.identifyPoint.y ;

You will need to check if the request comes from an identify click or 
from a search, otherwise you'll get that also for a search result.


Tuku Man wrote:
> when the identify tool is used, can it first display
> " x=xxx   y=yyy" then query result, so if the query result is saved, I
> still can know the location where I clicked, otherwise I have to write
> down this information somewhere.
> I checked query.php
> line 181: $XY_geo = ms_newPointObj();
> line 182: $XY_geo->setXY($x_geo, $y_geo)
> It seems this is the number I need, could you please tell me how to
> add these two numbers to the query result.
> Thanks very much.
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