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On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Thomas Raffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are able to acces to the SVN repository, the file needed is
> "pmapper/trunk/plugins/common/easyincludes.php".
> Else, I will send it to you.
> pag66 a écrit :
>> Hello list
>> I check the files and i have a problem when I use the files updates i have
>> and error into the query window that say the follow:
>> Call to undefined function getPMDir() in
>> /var/www/html/sigcotopaxi/plugins/queryeditor/queryeditordlg.php on line 40
>> Teh line 40 is the folloe
>> $pmDir = getPMDir("queryeditor");
>> where is the getPMDIr function?
>> If I Comment the line the query window dont show me errors but only appear
>> the name of the layer and not the fields like before:(
>> I change the files mentionated in Changeset 419 and also in the ticket #4
>> but nothing happen
>> Help me please thanks
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