
normally it should be fine using the plugins from the development 
version (from SVN trunk). For the export to shape there were small 
modifications necessary on a few files to allow correct export to shp. 
It was /incphp/query/squery.php and /javascript/pmjson.js

In general the 3.3 dev version has not very much of deep modifications, 
hence also no high risk that something fails. Currently you would mainly 
need to use the old /incphp/print/tcpdf.php from pmapper 3.2, with the 
new one some alignments in the legend are not correct.

WRT Number of results: I thought I already added it to the JSON result 
string since one user already asked me how to do it. I will add it soon. 
In case you want to try it, modify in in query.php, function 
printGrpResString($grp) the line

$grpResStr  = "{\"name\": \"$grpName\", \"description\": \"$grpDesc\", ";


$grpResStr  = "{\"name\": \"$grpName\", \"description\":\"$grpDesc\", 
\"numresults\": \"$this->grpNumResults\", ";

Then in the pmjson.js you can retrieve this value, e.g. like

In pmjson.js->parseJSON() change the line

rhtml += '<div class="LAYERHEADER">' + layObj.description + '</div>';


rhtml += '<div class="LAYERHEADER">' + layObj.description +
    ' - Number of results: ' + layObj.numresults +'</div>';


On 17/06/2008 22:57, Chris Domangue wrote:
> Hello All-
> First time poster here, but I've been using pmapper for nearly a year and I 
> have been more than impressed.
> Now that there are several plugins in this last release, will there be 
> separate plugin releases scheduled from the main app?&nbsp; Specifically, my 
> project could really, really use the shapefile export, and I see where  
> that's something that's already in the development code... but it'd have to 
> wait until the next full release of pmapper 3.3 as it stands now.
> Another really minor thing I'd like to see is "number of query results" 
> displayed in the Result frame... some queries routinely have a couple dozen 
> matches.
> Chris
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