On 10/12/2008 07:41, Geografisches Informationssystem wrote:
> Hello,
> are there any experiences with pmapper and load-balancing or nlb (Apache 
> mod_proxy_balancer)?
> I would like to realize a NLB with 2 pmapper  installations (3.x).
> I switched the session handling to database (PostGres). Each server alone 
> works ok, but if I use it with the Apache-internal NLB, the applications 
> won't work, then I get only one time the initial page but no zooming or 
> moving nor changing layers.
> Greets
> Guido

It's the usual thing: it's impossible to say anything about the problem 
if you do not add the error logs of PHP/Javascript. One quick guess is 
that the path to the produced map image file could be pointing to the 
wrong server (depending if you have sticky sessions or not).

At work we are using a piece of p.mapper with sessions in PG and Apache 
proxy/balancer. The tmp dir for the produced images is on an NFS network 
mount, so it will be found by both servers. If this is the problem in 
your case you can also just use NFS on one server mounting the tmp of 
the other (this way not requiring a network storage solution).


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