Using frames became a bit... unusual... I could just assume that the 
usage of 'jQuery layout' is not working so well with frames. You could 
try using the alternate layout with 'map-plain-layout.phtml' and see if 
it works better. Or try iframes, just a few hours ago somebody wrote 
that they work fine with pm. and maybe the src has to point directly to 
the file, not just the directory.


On 03/02/2009 19:50, Juliano Agostinho wrote:
> I having been problem with version 4.0, the frame BODY in the Internet 
> Explorer not appear pmapper but in the Mozilla its show.
> If I open a new window with http://gis/pmapper its appear in the frame BODY 
> and in new window.
> I think this problem is in the width and height frame BODY in the Internet 
> Explorer
> Are there anyone with the same problem?
> Whats happen, anyone knows ?
> In the Mozilla Firefoz works nice
> <frameset cols="130,*" frameborder=0>
>   <frame name="MENU" src="menu.html" scrolling="no" noresize>
>   <frame name="body" src="http://gis/pmapper";>
>   <noframes>
>   <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
>   <p>This page use frames.</p>
>   </body>
>   </noframes>
> </frameset>
> Atenciosamente, 

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