the p.mapper packages for MS4W should work out of the box with no
modifications anywhere.

Any file path should probably be relative to the installation dir, the
session path at least is as default '/ms4w/tmp', so I guess the error
log file definition should be /ms4w/tmp/phperror.log. Otherwise I would
guess that the php errors are written to the Apache error log.

For problems setting up MS4W please post your questions at the Mapserver
list, you will get more help there.

for p.mapper v3 <=> v4 see


On 21/06/2009 11:49, Chris Green wrote:
> Dear all 
> With quite a struggle (being a complete novice at php) I got
> pmapper-3.1.beta4 working more or less as I wanted, but in the last round of
> modifications I obviously introduced a fatal error because from then on it
> refused to start....well to be precise the framework appears but none of the
> controls or map area. Anyway after many hours of trying to figure out the
> problem I decided to start again and downloaded pmapper-4.0.beta2. After
> quite a few more hours I have this running to a point where it produces the
> frame but with errors on the page and with some but not all controls, eg the
> TOC/legend and scale bar are missing but the reference map is present.
> Forcing a frame change initiates what looks like a complete demo map to be
> displayed, but the loading bar hangs for ever. 
> I have been through the Quick Install Instructions for pmapper 4.x many
> times but can't find cause of the problem. One particular frustration is
> that despite countless attempts I cannot find any php error log to begin to
> diagnose this situation. I am running under ms4W/Apache and WinXP. I have
> tried every possible permutation for error logging in php.ini, the settings
> that seem relevant currently being: 
> error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE 
> log_errors = On 
> display_errors = Off 
> error_log = "/tmp/phplog/php_errors.log" 
> I have tried many different path and file variations for error_log, but
> settled on the above because I thought I may have a permissions problem and
> I can see that session.save_path = "/tmp" definitely does cause a session to
> be written by php everytime I try to run the pmapperv4 demo. 
> I must have read the php manual 50 times, but I can't figure out why I never
> can find any php error log, and I don't know what to do next. Can anyone
> help before I really do go insane? 
> One other question which may be relevant: in the pmapper 4.0.beta2 download
> there does not appear to be a config.ini file (not in the config directory
> or anywhere else). This is a crucial file in pmapperv3, is it not used in
> v4? 
> Any suggestions gratefully received 
> Chris
> Chris Green
> Director
> IBS Ltd
> Phone +44 (0) 20 7581 5120
> Fax      +44 (0) 20 7581 5160
> Mobile +44 (0) 7780 687036
> email:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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