On 15/12/2009 17:28, Eugenio Trumpy wrote:
> Hi to all,
> i'm using pmapper3.2 yet,
> now i'd like to give the parameters to zoom to a selected item.
> I'm trying to use this line:
> http://localhost/my_project/map.phtml?winsize=large&language=it&config=&zoomLayer=my_layer&zoomquery...@0@5740...@1@0
> the application return me the right object selected, 
> but the extention is wrong, because all layer stay in a point,
> if i zoom many time i'm able to have the map in right extention and see the 
> item selected with the colored boundary.
> I don't know why...
> my_layer's epgs=4326, and also the project.
> The extent of the project is = 5.00 35.000 20.000 50.000 and the unit is =dd
> I supose the problem is around the proj of the layer, isen't it?
> Any suggests?
> Is there an other way or other parameters to use to have that result?
> Eugenio

for zoom to points you need to adapt the config.ini setting for 
pointBuffer accordingly to fit the dimensions of your map projection.


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