just noticed that you're mainly missing the template tag for the
layer, so *no* query will work. see


On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:16 PM, richardcam...@adinet.com.uy
<richardcam...@adinet.com.uy> wrote:
> Estimado Nahum, la versión de pmapper es la 4 stable, adjunto parte
> archivos de configuración:
> Archivo .map
>               CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>                DATA "the_geom from v_callepuerta USING UNIQUE gid
> USING SRID=32721"
>                TYPE point
>                CONNECTION "user=montevimap password=xxx
> dbname=nucleo host=desgis.imm.gub.uy port=5432"
>                NAME "busqueda"
>                STATUS OFF
>                DUMP TRUE
>            END
> Archivo search.xml
> <searchitem name="busqueda" description="Calle y Nº de puerta">
>        <layer type="postgis" name="busqueda">
>                <field type="s" name="nom_calle" description="Calle" 
> wildcard="0">
>                        <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db" 
> sort="asc"
> minlength="1" dependfld="cmcncd">
>                                <dsn 
> encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://montevimap:x...@desgis.imm.gub.
> uy/nucleo</dsn>
>                                <sql> SELECT nom_calle FROM v_callepuerta 
> WHERE nom_calle
> ='[search]' </sql>
>                        </definition>
>                </field>
>                <field type="n" name="num_puerta" description="Numero
> de Puerta" wildcard="2">
>                        <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
> sort="asc" minlength="1" dependfld="cmcncd">
>                                <dsn encoding="UTF-8">pgsql:
> //montevimap:x...@desgis.imm.gub.uy/nucleo</dsn>
>                                <sql>SELECT num_puerta FROM
> v_callepuerta WHERE num_puerta ='[search]' </sql>
>                        </definition>
>                </field>
>        </layer>
> </searchitem>
> Definición tabla postgrs.
>    Columna     |       Tipo        | Modificadores
> ----------------+-------------------+---------------
>  gid            | bigint            |
>  cod_nombre_via | integer           |
>  nom_calle      | character varying |
>  num_puerta     | integer           |
>  letra          | character(5)      |
>  paridad        | character(1)      |
>  the_geom       | geometry
> Muchas gracias por cualquier ayuda, otras busquedas si me funcionan
> pero no logro que esta funciones.
> Richard
> Montevideo, Uruguay
> English
> Dear Nahum, pmapper version is 4 stable, attached some configuration
> files:
> Archive. Map
>               CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>                DATA "the_geom from v_callepuerta USING UNIQUE gid
> USING SRID = 32721"
>                TYPE point
>                CONNECTION "user = montevimap password = xxx dbname =
> nucleo desgis.imm.gub.uy host = port = 5432"
>                NAME "Search"
>                STATUS OFF
>                DUMP TRUE
> File search.xml
> <searchitem name="busqueda" description="Calle and Nº of puerta">
> <layer type="postgis" name="busqueda">
> <field type="s" name="nom_calle" description="Calle" wildcard="0">
> <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db" sort="asc" minlength="
> 1" dependfld="cmcncd">
> <dsn encoding="UTF-8"> pgsql: / / montevimap:x...@desgis.imm.gub.uy
> /nucleo </ dsn>
> nom_calle SELECT <sql> FROM v_callepuerta WHERE nom_calle = '[search]'
> </ sql>
> </ definition>
> </ field>
>                <field type="n" name="num_puerta" description="Numero
> of Puerta" wildcard="2">
>                        <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
> sort="asc" minlength="1" dependfld="cmcncd">
>                                <dsn encoding="UTF-8"> pgsql: / /
> montevimap:x...@desgis.imm.gub.uy /nucleo </ dsn>
>                                num_puerta SELECT <sql> FROM
> v_callepuerta WHERE num_puerta = '[search]' </ sql>
>                        </ definition>
>                </ field>
> </ layer>
> </ searchitem>
> Definition postgres table.
>    Column | Type | Modifiers
> ---------------- ------------------- ---------------
>  gid | bigint |
>  cod_nombre_via | integer |
>  nom_calle | character varying |
>  num_puerta | integer |
>  letter | character (5) |
>  parity | character (1) |
>  the_geom | geometry
> Thank you very much for any help, if I run other searches but can not
> get these functions.
> Richard
> Montevideo, Uruguay
> Spanish
> ¿Cómo tienes definido tu .map y el archivo de configuración de
> búsquedas?
> ¿Qué versión de pmapper tienes?.
> English
> How is defined your .map file and search.xml file?
> Wich pmapper version you have?
> Saludos.
> Nahum
> 2010/1/20 richardcam...@adinet.com.uy <richardcam...@adinet.com.uy>
> - Ocultar texto citado -
>> llo everyone, sorry for my English.
>> I have configured and installed the viewer pmapper, the only problem
> I
>> have is with the search, the same achievements on Postgres with
>> PostGIS, work correctly on some tables, but in others does not
> search
>> me.
>> I use both geometry tables or views both with the corresponding
> column
>> the_geom and gid.
>> The log tells me that there is an error with the gid, but it exists
>> and it's OK, I can properly display the layer in the map view.
>> Deputy log with errors.
>> [20-Jan-2010 17:27:17] PHP Warning: pg_query () [<a href='function.
> pg-
>> query'> function.pg-query </ a>]: Query failed: ERROR: syntax error
>>  at or near "FROM" at character 257 in / inetpub / wwwroot / maps /
>> incphp / query / squery.php on line 704
>> [20-Jan-2010 17:27:17] P. MAPPER: PG for error Query: SELECT gid,
>>                         xmin (box3d (the_geom)),
>>                         ymin (box3d (the_geom)),
>>                         xmax (box3d (the_geom)),
>>                         ymax (box3d (the_geom)),
>>                    FROM x_sig_busqueda
>>                   WHERE nom_calle ILIKE '% COLONIA%'
>>                   LIMIT 301
>> [20-Jan-2010 17:27:17] PHP Warning: pg_numrows (): supplied argument
>> is not a valid PostgreSQL result resource in / inetpub / wwwroot /
> map
>> s / incphp / query / squery.php on line 708
>> Thank you very much for any help.
>> Greetings
>> Richard
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