On 17/02/2010 15:10, Fco. Javier García Ricca wrote:
> Hello Victoria,
> I have a couple questions.
> If necesary that the name of configuration file start with config word? Can
> I name it with a sigle name (myfile.xml)?

no, not without changing the code. Though I don't see the problem in using

> In other side, you said to me that I need to append the name of the file to
> the url, similar to specify the language for the application. However I am
> looking for another way to do that. Back to the case of language I specfy
> this into the config file and not append "language=es" to the url.

you need to tell the application somehow which config file to use. You 
can do that via a URL key=value pair (GET) or using an HTML form that 
uses method=POST. This way the config parameter will not be attached to 
the URL but sent to the application "in a hidden way". This POST method 
however does only work for a launch via an HTML form.

You could also use Apache rewrite rules in .htaccess files, I added a 
Wiki entry for this here:



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