please check your PHP and Javascript error log, report them, and mention 
also which version of Mapserver (and PHP) you're using, and when/where 
the error appears exactly.


On 21/03/2010 15:50, Marcello Benigno wrote:
> Hi Armin, hi all,
> First, congratulations to new pmapper version!  It´s really easier to
> configured. But I don´t know why, when I use PostGIS Layers, the function
> javascript:PM.Map.zoom2extent() doesn´t woks. The same layer in shapefile
> format, works perfectly. I tried in Linux (Ubuntu 9.10) and in Windows (7).
> Resuming, when the user clicked in the information button, the attributes
> window appear, but the zoom button in this window not working, the loading
> message appears for all the time.
> Am I missing any configuration?
> thanks in advance,

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