On 02/09/2010 13:53, Chris Jackson wrote:
> Hi
> I have certain base layers that I always want to be on and then the user
> superimposes other datasets.  At present I can get the layers to show by
> using status=on in the map file and adding the layer to the all and default
> groups tag in the config xml (so they load but do not appear in the TOC
> list).  However I want some of these layers to appear in the legend too -
> any clues?  Do they have to be in the TOC for the legend to display? If so
> is there a way to disable the tickbox for specific layers (without using the
> mutualDisableList) so they are permanently on.

not possible without changing the core code. You could do it on the PHP 
side in toc.php or probably also in Javascript in pm.toc.js, but you 
will need some deeper code analysis.

> Also is it possible to load a pre-coloured raster geoTiff and load in an
> associated pre-prepared legend image to match in the legend pane (I can get
> uncoloured version of the geoTIFF to load and colour up based on map
> classes, which builds the legend fine, but is too slow loading for a
> baselayer).

in order to get a legend you need to define classes for a layer. How 
else should the application know which icons to add to the legend? But 
you could somehow tweak the legend creation in PHP if you really want.

I'm just wondering about your problem with speed. If you do not have 
100's of classes for the layer (which would not really make sense IMO), 
speed should not be an issue. At least I never had problems with a 4GB 
Tiff file for Corine landcover with 30 or so classes, given the Tiff 
file had been prepared with overviews etc.


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