
In principal I don't think you will get any advantage of using web cache 
with p.mapper since it does not request tiles but always completely new 
images, at virtually indefinite scale levels. If it works at all depends 
if *MapServer* works with it or not since p.mapper is just using the 
rendering engine of MapServer.


On 06/10/2010 17:46, Alessandro Pastore wrote:
>    Hi all
> I know that this is not a 'pure pmapper related' issue
> I installed and configured geowebcache and I think this is ok because in
> the catalina log I see some useful rows*
> thenI tried to configure pmapper for using it putting the URL
> http://localhost:8080/geowebcache/
> in the CONNECTION definition of the layer configuration
> thanks
> alessandro pastore
> *
> 06 Oct 17:32:34 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - ConfigurationLoader
> woke up, initializing
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Using
> to generate URLs for WMS requests
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Found
> layer: date_ortofoto_colore_06_32 with LatLon bbox
> 6.32134,35.3905,19.8951,47.5808
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 WARN [grid.GridSetFactory] - GridSet
> date_ortofoto_colore_06_32:EPSG:32632 was defined without metersPerUnit.
> Assuming 1m per SRS unit for WMTS scale output.
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Found
> layer: date_ortofoto_colore_06 with LatLon bbox
> 6.32134,35.3905,19.8951,47.5808
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Found
> layer: date_ortofoto_colore_06_f32 with LatLon bbox
> 6.32134,35.3905,19.8951,47.5808
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 WARN [grid.GridSetFactory] - GridSet
> date_ortofoto_colore_06_f32:EPSG:32632 was defined without
> metersPerUnit. Assuming 1m per SRS unit for WMTS scale output.
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Found
> layer: watermark with LatLon bbox 6.32134,35.3905,19.8951,47.5808
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Found
> layer: watermark with LatLon bbox 6.32134,35.3905,19.8951,47.5808
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration] - Loaded 5
> layers from
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding layers from
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding:
> date_ortofoto_colore_06_32
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding:
> date_ortofoto_colore_06
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding:
> date_ortofoto_colore_06_f32
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding: watermark
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding: watermark
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 WARN [layer.TileLayer] - Merging grids, formats and
> filters of watermark
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding layers from
> /opt/tomcat/webapps/geowebcache/WEB-INF/classes
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding: topp:states
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding: raster test layer
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Adding: img states
> 06 Oct 17:32:35 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - ConfigurationLoader
> completed
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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