Adding something else to make it a little clearer:
I want to convert XY coordinates in spherical coordinates

2010/11/26 Eduardo Bieñkowski <>

> Chris:
> Made the corrections you sent me, still gives me this error.
> [26-Nov-2010 11:42:38] PHP Fatal error: [MapServer Error]:
> msProcessProjection (): Not named projection
>  in / var/www/pmapper-4.0/plugins/coordinates/projection.php on line 7
> Thanks
> 2010/11/25 Chris Jackson <>
> Eduardo
>> I am no expert on this, for my purposes the following worked (epsg:3035
>> was also defined as my map projection in the mapfile).
>>     <coordinates>
>>     <mapPrj name="ETRS89/ETRS-LAEA" roundTo="0">
>>     </mapPrj>
>>     <prj name="lat/lon WGS84" roundTo="4">
>>         <definition>init=epsg:4326</definition>
>>     </prj>
>>     <prj name="UTM31" roundTo="0">
>>         <definition>init=epsg:32631</definition>
>>     </prj>
>> </coordinates>
>> I wonder whether you just need to reformat your definitions - lowercase
>> and no spaces.... (I assume your badly formed tags in the snippet isn't the
>> actual code you are using, if so then use my snippet as a guide).
>> HTH
>> Chris
>> Also check the code lives in the <plugins> tag in your config.xml
>> 2010/11/25 Eduardo Bieñkowski <>
>>> Dears
>>> Enable the plugin cordinate in pmapper-4.0,  and I get the following
>>> error:
>>> PHP Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection (): Not named
>>> projection
>>>  in / var/www/pmapper-4.0/plugins/coordinates/projection.php on line 7
>>> I put here the configuration in config_default.xml
>>> <coordinates>
>>>                name="WGS <mapPrj 84 / UTM zone roundTo="0"> 21S"
>>>                </ MapPrj>
>>>                name="longlat <prj WGS84" roundTo="4">
>>>                    <definition> init = EPSG: 4326 </ definition>
>>>                </ Prj>
>>>                name="UTM21" <prj roundTo="0">
>>>                    <definition> init = EPSG: 31721 </ definition>
>>>                </ Prj>
>>>            </ Coordinates>
>>> Eduardo
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Español
>>> Acabo de habilitar el plugin "cordinates" en pmapper-4.0  y me da el
>>> siguiente error:
>>> PHP Fatal error:  [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): projection
>>> not
>>> named
>>>  in /var/www/pmapper-4.0/plugins/coordinates/projection.php on line 7
>>> Pongo aquí la configuracion  en el config_default.xml
>>> <coordinates>
>>>                <mapPrj name="WGS 84 / UTM zone 21S" roundTo="0">
>>>                </mapPrj>
>>>                <prj name="longlat WGS84" roundTo="4">
>>>                    <definition>init=epsg:4326</definition>
>>>                </prj>
>>>                <prj name="UTM21" roundTo="0">
>>>                    <definition>init=epsg:31721</definition>
>>>                </prj>
>>>            </coordinates>
>>> Saludos
>>> Eduardo
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> --
> Edu

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