as already mentioned, you should not need to change the code if you add 
"wms_name", but I guess you should just have 1 METADATA block, and not 2...

p.mapper only parses plain text output for features (you get XML 
output). I don't know exactly how to tell Mapserver to request the 
featureInfo as plain text. You could try adding under metadata

"wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/plain"

and if it doesn't work either try adding to the CONNECTION url the part


Though I don't know if the server accepts this part also for GetMap 
requests without complaining. In this case you would need to ask on the 
Mapserver list how to achieve plain text response for GetFeatureInfo.

I could try adding also support for XML response type, but for now you 
need to force the server to return "text/plain" (this is the mandatory 
format for WMS implementations).


On 01/02/2011 21:28, Sandro Ferrara wrote:
> Hi Armin, thanks so much!
> i modified squeryas below and it runs
> function dumpWMSQueryResults()
>       {
>         - - - -
>           $this->qLayer->set("connection", $this->qLayer->connection);
>         - - - -
> and i have this file pm_debug.log
> [01-Feb-2011 21:03:22] P.MAPPER debug info
> dumpWMSQueryResults() - FeatureInfoURL:
> [01-Feb-2011 21:03:23] P.MAPPER debug info
> dumpWMSQueryResults() - Query Result:
>    Array
> (
>       [0] =>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>       [1] =>  <FeatureInfoResponse>
>       [2] =>  <FIELDS CODICE="R 19 046" NOME="Bacini minori fra S.
> BARTOLOMEO e Punta di Solanto"/>
>       [3] =>  </FeatureInfoResponse>
> )
> Sorry but, how can i display the "FIELDS" in the query result box?
> i modified my map file as below, but nothing
>           NAME "Bacini_Idrografici"
>           TYPE RASTER
>           STATUS DEFAULT
>           TEMPLATE void
>           CONNECTION
> "";
>           METADATA
>               "DESCRIPTION" "PAI Bacini idrografici"
>               "wms_name" "0"
>               "wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
>               "wms_srs" "EPSG:32633"
>               "wms_format" "image/png"
>               "wms_style" "default"
>           END
>           METADATA
>               "wms_title" "Bacini Idrografici"
>               "RESULT_FIELDS" "CODICE,NOME"
>               "RESULT_HEADERS" "Codice, Nome"
>           END
>           TRANSPARENCY 100
>           PROJECTION
>               "init=epsg:32633"
>           END
>       END
> thanks in advance
> Sandro
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