On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 11:36:56AM +0100, Thomas RAFFIN wrote:
> I'm the author of this plugin. You're right: it doesn't work with 
> p.mapper 4 and dev version.
> You can publish the new version if you have rights (or ask them to 
> Armin), or send me a zip file and I will update it

I prefer if you have a look at it. If you think that it is ok, 
please submit it.

The main change I made is to avoid dynamic JavaScript code 
generated with PHP. This is because the p.mapper 4 plugin code 
does not allow $jsFiles to be PHP files.

So the JavaScript init function must get the plugin configuration 
via an AJAX call.

> (feel free to update 
> the doc: http://svn.pmapper.net/trac/wiki/PluginsToc).

If you upload the new code, I will have a look at it.

Thank you very much.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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