you're mixing Postgis and standard layer ("ms") definitions. Check the 
required syntax for Postgis layers in the manual. Unfortunately 
MapServer requires different query syntax for different type of layers.


On 20/09/2011 21:29, Ricardo Cuítiva wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you very much for your work, it's an excellent framework and
> there are a lot of documents, that's why I have used it for four years
> and this is the first time that I ask you.
> I'm Trying to search in a postgis layer, but it does not work, in the
> same project I do the search in a shapefile file and it works, I've
> tested with two different layers with options and autocomplete, but it
> never works. I check log files Apache and PostgreSQL and says that the
> problem maybe in the query, this is the detailed information about the
> project, mapfile, xml and logs:
> 1. Information about the plataform, versions of framework and others:
> Ubuntu Linux 11.04
> Pmapper 4.0 and I tried also with the same problem 4.2
> PostgreSQL 8.4.8
> PostGIS 1.5.2
> Mapserver: 5.6.1
> URL:
> 2. Mapfile definitions
> ###################################  1.26 Humedales RAMSAR
> ######################################
>    LAYER
>      NAME 'geom_humedales_ramsar'
>      DUMP true
>      TEMPLATE 'void'
>      EXTENT -77.37598 4.77270 -74.09433 11.08333
>      CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>      CONNECTION "dbname='data' host=localhost port=5432 user='user'
> password='passwd"
>      DATA 'the_geom FROM "geom_humedales_ramsar" USING UNIQUE gid USING
> srid=4326'
>               "DESCRIPTION" "Humedales Ramsar"
>       "RESULT_FIELDS" "etiqueta,nombre"
>       "RESULT_HEADERS" "Etiqueta,Nombre"
>       "wms_title"      'geom_humedales_ramsar'
>       "wms_srs"       "EPSG:4326"
>       "LAYER_ENCODING" "UTF-8"
>      END
>      CLASS
>         NAME 'Humedal Ramsar'
>         STYLE
>           SYMBOL 0
>           SIZE 7.0
>           COLOR 0 0 255
>         END
>      END
>    END
> #############################     Capa simplificada de suelos escala
> 1:100.000    ################################
>    LAYER
>      NAME 'geom_suelos_simplificado'
>      DUMP true
>      TEMPLATE 'void'
>    EXTENT -85.545616 -0.110922 -67.302864 13.724064
>      CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>      CONNECTION "dbname='dbuso' host=localhost port=5432 user='user'
> password='passwd' sslmode=disable"
>      DATA 'the_geom FROM "geom_suelos_simplificado" USING UNIQUE gid
> USING srid=4326'
>       "DESCRIPTION" "Suelos Simplificado"
>       "RESULT_FIELDS" "sim_nuevo1,sim_anti1"
>       "RESULT_HEADERS" "Símbolo,Símbolo Estudio"
>       "wms_title"      "geom_suelos_simplificado"
>       "LAYER_ENCODING" "UTF-8"
>      END
>      CLASS
>         NAME 'Suelo'
>         STYLE
>          SIZE 4
>       WIDTH 2
>           OUTLINECOLOR 155 6 214
>           COLOR 216 209 125
>         END
>      END
>    END
> 3. Definitions in the config.xml
>       <searchitem name="geom_suelos_simplificado" description="Suelos 
> Simplificados">
>          <layer type="postgis" name="geom_suelos_simplificado">
>       <field type="n" name="gid" description="Suelos" wildcard="2">
>                  <definition type="options" connectiontype="ms"
> sort="asc" firstoption="Seleccionar">
>               <mslayer keyfield="gid" showfield="sim_nuevo1"
> encoding="latin1"/>
>                  </definition>
>          </field>
>          </layer>
>       </searchitem>
>       <searchitem name="geom_humedales_ramsar" description="Humedales">
>          <layer type="ms" name="geom_humedales_ramsar">
>       <field type="s" name="nombre" description="Humedales" wildcard="0">
>                  <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="ms"
> minlength="1" startleft="1" sort="asc">
>               <mslayer encoding="latin1"/>
>                  </definition>
>          </field>
>          </layer>
>       </searchitem>
> 4. Logs, the say the same error, the problem is in the query.
> 2011-09-20 11:23:54 COT ERROR:  error de sintaxis en o cerca de «)» en
> carácter 420 (Syntax error near ")" in character 420)
> select 
> "gid","nombre","tipo_ap","etiqueta","shape_area","shape_len",encode(AsBinary(force_collection(force_2d("the_geom")),'NDR'),'hex')
> as geom,"gid" from "geom_humedales_ramsar" where the_geom&&
> GeomFromText('POLYGON((-86.018393 -4.655442,-86.018393
> 14.407375,-63.478399 14.407375,-63.478399 -4.655442,-86.018393
> -4.655442))',4326) and ( ( "[nombre]" =~ ^(A|a) ) )
> 2011-09-20 11:23:41 COT ERROR: error de sintaxis en o cerca de «)» en
> carácter 367 (Syntax error near ")" in character 367)
> select 
> "gid","id","sim_anti_1","depto","sim_nuevo1","area_1","vocacion","descripcio","grupo","capacidad_","shape_leng","shape_area","orig_fid",encode(AsBinary(force_collection(force_2d("the_geom")),'NDR'),'hex')
> as geom,"gid" from "geom_suelos_simplificado" where the_geom&&
> GeomFromText('POLYGON((-86.018393 -4.655442,-86.018393
> 14.407375,-63.478399 14.407375,-63.478399 -4.655442,-86.018393
> -4.655442))',4326) and (())
> I'll apreciate your help with this topic, I know that it's strange
> that it fails, because I used similar definitios used in the examples.
> Thank you very much.
> Ricardo Cuítiva
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