Hi Zoltan,

Thanks for your response.  

I came across this page yesterday and initially thought that my issue
was caused by either 7 or 8 but my layers already had a template defined
and is also using the recommended DATA directive mentioned in 7.

I was unsure of whether the SRID in the following line needed to be that
of my map or of the data layer:

eg. DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom, oid, xyz from mylayer) AS
new_tab USING UNIQUE oid USING SRID=4258"

In my case, i'm USING SRID=32633 and have the layers projection set to
the same while the map projection is set to world mercator instead.
Clicking around the layer results in "no results found" or similar (as I
would expect) and clicking on the layer itself results in the error I
describe below.  

Yes the symbols and labels are shown correctly.  

I'm going to read through the whole FAQ page shortly and will hopefully
come across something that will indicate what the problem is.   

Kind regards,


On Tue, 2011-11-01 at 07:33 +0100, Siki Zoltan wrote:

> Dear Peter,
> Did you read this page http://svn.pmapper.net/trac/wiki/FaqDebugging?
> Does p.mapper display the points and labels?
> Regards,
> Zoltan
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Peter Wells wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm having some issues with using the above functions and was wondering
> > if anyone could help.
> >
> > When I use the Identify tool on my layer of interest, I see the
> > following in the apache error log:
> >
> > [Mon Oct 31 15:54:01 2011] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Trying
> > to get property of non-object
> > in /var/www/pmapper/example/pmapper-4.0/incphp/query/squery.php on line
> > 136, referer: http://webgis.example.org/pmapper-4.0/map.phtml?
> > [Mon Oct 31 15:54:01 2011] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Trying
> > to get property of non-object
> > in /var/www/pmapper/example/pmapper-4.0/incphp/query/squery.php on line
> > 137, referer: http://webgis.example.org/pmapper-4.0/map.phtml?
> > [Mon Oct 31 15:54:01 2011] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Trying
> > to get property of non-object
> > in /var/www/pmapper/example/pmapper-4.0/incphp/query/squery.php on line
> > 141, referer: http://webgis.example.org/pmapper-4.0/map.phtml?
> > [Mon Oct 31 15:54:01 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
> > Call to a member function project() on a non-object
> > in /var/www/pmapper/example/pmapper-4.0/incphp/query/squery.php on line
> > 162, referer: http://webgis.example.org/pmapper-4.0/map.phtml?
> >
> >> From looking at the code above, it seems that
> > $this->qLayer->getShape($qRes->tileindex,$qRes->shapeindex); is not
> > returning anything in dumpQueryResults() in qsuery.php but I'm not sure
> > why.
> >
> > ... and the p.mapper front-end just shows the rotating 'waiting' symbol
> > indefinitely.
> >
> > My map is in world mercator projection (EPSG:3395) and the layer
> > configuration (the one that I'm trying to query) looks like this:
> >
> >  NAME 'involved_villages_one'
> >  group 'involved_villages'
> >  TYPE point
> >  EXTENT 380000 136000 1360000 1460000
> >  CONNECTION 'dbname=rfuk host= port=5432 user=mapserver
> > password=mypassword'
> >  DATA 'the_geom FROM (select the_geom, gid, name from
> > one_legacy_s3_final_atts_to_be_populated.v__merged_point) as subquery
> > USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=32632'
> >  LABELITEM "name"
> >  LABELMAXSCALE 5000000
> >  TEMPLATE void
> >    'DESCRIPTION' 'Villages involved'
> >    'ows_title' 'iv_one'
> >    #"RESULT_FIELDS" "name"
> >    #"RESULT_HEADERS" "name"
> >    # "RESULT_HYPERLINK" "name"
> >  END
> >    "init=epsg:32632"
> >  END
> >  OPACITY ALPHA # Required for transparency
> >  #MAXSCALE 3200000
> >  CLASS
> >    NAME 'All villages involved'
> >    STYLE
> >      SYMBOL "rfuk_iv10o"
> >      COLOR 0 0 0 # This color is required but ignored
> >      OUTLINECOLOR 82 80 82
> >    END
> >    LABEL
> >      POSITION Auto
> >      COLOR 0 0 150
> >      BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 128
> >      BACKGROUNDSHADOWCOLOR 150 150 150
> >      BUFFER 2
> >      TYPE truetype
> >      ENCODING "UTF-8"
> >      FONT FreeSans
> >      SIZE 8
> >      MAXSIZE 9
> >      #SIZE small
> >    END #Label
> >  END # Class
> > END
> >  NAME 'involved_villages_two'
> >  group 'involved_villages'
> >  TYPE point
> >  EXTENT 420000 200000 1920000 1260000
> >  CONNECTION 'dbname=rfuk host= port=5432 user=mapserver
> > password=mypassword'
> >  DATA 'the_geom FROM (select the_geom, gid, name from
> > two_legacy_s3_final_atts_to_be_populated.v__merged_point) as subquery
> > USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=32633'
> >  LABELITEM "name"
> >  LABELMAXSCALE 5000000
> >  TEMPLATE void
> >    'DESCRIPTION' 'Villages involved'
> >    'ows_title' 'iv_two'
> >    #"RESULT_FIELDS" "name"
> >    #"RESULT_HEADERS" "name"
> >    # "RESULT_HYPERLINK" "name"
> >  END
> >    "init=epsg:32633"
> >  END
> >  OPACITY ALPHA # Required for transparency
> >  #MAXSCALE 3200000
> >  CLASS
> >    NAME ''
> >    STYLE
> >      SYMBOL "rfuk_iv10o"
> >      COLOR 0 0 0 # This color is required but ignored
> >      OUTLINECOLOR 82 80 82
> >    END
> >    LABEL
> >      POSITION Auto
> >      COLOR 0 0 150
> >      BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 128
> >      BACKGROUNDSHADOWCOLOR 150 150 150
> >      BUFFER 2
> >      TYPE truetype
> >      ENCODING "UTF-8"
> >      FONT FreeSans
> >      SIZE 8
> >      MAXSIZE 9
> >      #SIZE small
> >    END #Label
> >  END # Class
> > END
> >
> > I've been banging my head against the computer all day and would very
> > much appreciate any suggestions anyone might have.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Pete
> >
> >
> >
> > Peter Wells
> >
> > Faunalia UK
> > 23 Chestnut Close, Burgess Hill, RH15 8HN
> > www.faunalia.co.uk
> > Tel:  +44 (0)1444 848012
> > Mob:  +44 (0)7704 781683
> > SIP:  1507...@sipgate.co.uk
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook
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> >

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